Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 They use them as stamps or cutters with dough and clay , but in conception they were intended for sorting and matching and thereby to link in with games and toys .
2 For more than two weeks prior to Oct. 29 , the Central Bank had been selling an estimated US$50,000,000 in gold each day , in efforts to keep down the gold price ( and thereby to hold down the black-market dollar rate , whose divergence from the official rate provided a barometer of business confidence ) .
3 ‘ Psychohistorian ’ Hari Seldon predicts the path to glory and establishes his Thousand Year Plan : a Foundation of scientists to develop imperial muscle , a hidden Second foundation of devious mind-manipulators to safeguard the plan and eventually to step in as destined rulers .
4 It was hoped to reassure the Warsaw Pact about European security , to develop a strong German role in central Europe and eventually to break down barriers with East Germany .
5 Horses of the same family or the same breed are more likely to be empathic , and so to get on together the best .
6 bloody ages doing things like if , if mode so and so to work out whether it 's a Monday or a Tuesday or something and then trying and everything else to try and get
7 And sometimes it 's quite difficult I think to get away from middle persons because that is it 's part of the structure of the c the country you 're dealing with and so to cut down on exploitation from the mi but as to how far you can actually impose your , your culture as well .
8 During the conquest of the Caribbean the Spaniards trained packs of such dogs to kill Indians and so to wipe out whole villages .
9 One way round this problem that has been suggested is to complement our village-centred studies of micro-process with studies of institutional or bureaucratic micro-process ; to do , for example , ethnographies of the planners as well as the planned , and so to build up a composite picture of the social realities of people in different social niches .
10 Levi was interested in action , purpose , work , and capable of them : and the capacity may have been formed in contention with a desire to withdraw and perhaps to give up .
11 More to fill in time , and perhaps to find out if the God of his childhood really did exist , after all .
12 But a decade or so later , the Darlington Wagon and Engineering Company was finding there was less and less to boast about .
13 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
14 As a result , the players were sent ahead to the various tournament sites to give clinics to members and generally to whip up interest .
15 He had men in Paris , Berlin , Rome , Belfast and elsewhere to search out the merchandise needed to satisfy the voracious appetite of the Chicago store and , by 1875 , was dispatching three-million-dollars worth of goods each year across the Atlantic .
16 Increased ability to learn directly from the environment evolved to allow organisms to acquire new information and thus to build up simple programmes of response to such exigencies .
17 It was also planned that wherever possible these local workers should be employed to work with a specific elderly person , and thus to build up a relationship between the two .
18 While little direct evidence is available on the fate of the mountain populations during this period , there is little doubt they were too weak numerically and organizationally to put up any effective resistance to either power .
19 Well she 's waiting for Home and Away to come on as well .
20 The lack of Kingdom emphasis in John is probably explained by the fact that he is writing more in retrospect and possibly to play down false expectations in the contemporary Jewish understanding of the Kingdom .
21 Those with short-term orientations will not have the tenacity to hold on , to fight , to be pushed down and still to get up again , simply because their time orientations are too short ( 6 months to 1 year ) for the longer-term perspective ( 5 to 10 years ) .
22 Non-European countries were more and more to take up the methods and manners of Europe .
23 They are happy to suspend disbelief for the season of goodwill and lustily to bawl out the carols with beery breath and watch dewy-eyed as the little ones do their stuff .
24 In December 1835 Captain Vidal sailed in command of Aetna with twelve chronometers to measure the meridian distances from the Cape Verde Islands to a number of places on the west coast of Africa ; and thereafter to carry out surveys of that coast .
25 … including particularly , in the light of recent events , a paragraph on prison security on the general lines that prisons should be better to live in and harder to get out of .
26 She was finding it harder and harder to keep up with her mother 's thoughts .
27 I stopped at a pub I used rarely near the BBC and had a ploughman 's and a couple of orange juices , no alcohol , partly because I wanted to keep a clear head and partly to fit in with the cab-driver persona .
28 The Communists ' blatant use of the RPC to influence and later to break up the ILP naturally worsened relations between the ILP leaders and the Communists .
29 The Cabinet did what it could both to promote talks and also to set up emergency procedures under the Civil Contingency Unit chaired by Merlyn Rees , the beleaguered Home Secretary .
30 I 'd just like to second that it was a good day and also to point out as the er man who made the postcards we should n't get too excited about this as a money making scheme .
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