Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They use them as stamps or cutters with dough and clay , but in conception they were intended for sorting and matching and thereby to link in with games and toys .
2 For more than two weeks prior to Oct. 29 , the Central Bank had been selling an estimated US$50,000,000 in gold each day , in efforts to keep down the gold price ( and thereby to hold down the black-market dollar rate , whose divergence from the official rate provided a barometer of business confidence ) .
3 A proposal that public money should be spent on a measure which is likely to aggravate this position ( the low birth rate ) by making contraception universally available on request and thereby to affect adversely the continuity of the state , is one which we feel we can not endorse .
4 The purpose of this Study Group is to provide a forum for the presentation and active criticism of research , to promote contact between those of similar views , and thereby to encourage still further research and dissemination of results , amongst interested specialists.It is expected that the activities of the Study group will generate many papers of publishable quality .
5 ‘ Psychohistorian ’ Hari Seldon predicts the path to glory and establishes his Thousand Year Plan : a Foundation of scientists to develop imperial muscle , a hidden Second foundation of devious mind-manipulators to safeguard the plan and eventually to step in as destined rulers .
6 It was hoped to reassure the Warsaw Pact about European security , to develop a strong German role in central Europe and eventually to break down barriers with East Germany .
7 Horses of the same family or the same breed are more likely to be empathic , and so to get on together the best .
8 bloody ages doing things like if , if mode so and so to work out whether it 's a Monday or a Tuesday or something and then trying and everything else to try and get
9 Slowly she began to strip off her clingtight black tunic , and so to become more visible .
10 And sometimes it 's quite difficult I think to get away from middle persons because that is it 's part of the structure of the c the country you 're dealing with and so to cut down on exploitation from the mi but as to how far you can actually impose your , your culture as well .
11 During the conquest of the Caribbean the Spaniards trained packs of such dogs to kill Indians and so to wipe out whole villages .
12 In future , the SIB is expected to regulate firms directly only on a ‘ last-resort basis ’ , and so to focus almost entirely on its primary role as a regulator of regulators .
13 One way round this problem that has been suggested is to complement our village-centred studies of micro-process with studies of institutional or bureaucratic micro-process ; to do , for example , ethnographies of the planners as well as the planned , and so to build up a composite picture of the social realities of people in different social niches .
14 This project aims to develop models which take these factors into account , and so to understand how they affect investment decisions .
15 It is now possible , however , to see the few remains of this enigma more clearly , and perhaps to appreciate more easily the impressive scale of the machinery that once was there .
16 More are likely to be ill informed , to take little interest in politics , and perhaps to give rather less thought to the casting of a vote than to the marking of a pools coupon .
17 Levi was interested in action , purpose , work , and capable of them : and the capacity may have been formed in contention with a desire to withdraw and perhaps to give up .
18 More to fill in time , and perhaps to find out if the God of his childhood really did exist , after all .
19 There are many other more elaborate braids and edgings which are great fun to knit if you keep your machine set up at this time of year , as it is a good time to play with new ideas and perhaps to knit enough to edge that beautiful Chanel-type jacket you are going to knit later , but the simple knitted binding or a simple rouleau takes a lot of beating and always loos fashionable , elegantly simple and stylish .
20 But a decade or so later , the Darlington Wagon and Engineering Company was finding there was less and less to boast about .
21 When the child is able to speak , he can answer many questions which are asked gently and naturally to test how much he has learnt .
22 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
23 Knowing what your rights may be worth in money terms will help you not only to decide whether or not to take legal action , if necessary , to recover the sums due to you , but also to assess the reasonableness of any ‘ termination package deal ’ offered to you and generally to plan ahead for the future .
24 As a result , the players were sent ahead to the various tournament sites to give clinics to members and generally to whip up interest .
25 He had men in Paris , Berlin , Rome , Belfast and elsewhere to search out the merchandise needed to satisfy the voracious appetite of the Chicago store and , by 1875 , was dispatching three-million-dollars worth of goods each year across the Atlantic .
26 Networks operating on this principle perform an operation that is likely to be extremely important for the neocortex , and it was actually the search for a mechanism that would do this that led us to the suggested modification rule : the modifiable interconnections tend to make the representative elements become uncorrelated , and thus to signal independently of each other .
27 Increased ability to learn directly from the environment evolved to allow organisms to acquire new information and thus to build up simple programmes of response to such exigencies .
28 It was also planned that wherever possible these local workers should be employed to work with a specific elderly person , and thus to build up a relationship between the two .
29 One would expect those whose dementia was more advanced or who had more problematic home circumstances to be heavier consumers of community care services , and thus to cost more to sustain at home .
30 They are more likely to know offenders personally , or to know their families , and thus to warn rather than ‘ book ’ offenders .
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