Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 The plea or defence to this was that the notes were made jointly and severally by the defendant 's father , John Revill , and by Samuel Revill , as well as by the defendant , and that before the action the plaintiff , without the defendant 's knowledge or consent , struck out the name of Samuel Revill on the notes and wholly discharged him from liability .
2 I nodded , and nervously watched him leave the room .
3 But , it was said , he took him to his flat and indecently assaulted him while two other men looked on .
4 Manager Goodman quickly spotted that Harry 's lack of inches ( he only stood 5ft 6in ) were something of a handicap when playing down the middle in Second Division football and successfully transferred him to the outside-right spot .
5 The relief sought by the applicant was , inter alia , ( 1 ) an order of certiorari to quash the section 2(2) notice dated 24 June 1991 issued by the Director ; and ( 2 ) an order prohibiting her from requiring or further requiring him to attend and comply with the requirements of a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Act of 1987 without ( a ) affording him a reasonable opportunity for his application for legal aid to be processed and thereby affording him the opportunity to be legally advised on such requirements and to be legally represented at such time as he was required to comply with them and ( b ) causing him to be cautioned in accordance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 before being required to comply with those requirements .
6 ( 8 ) Finally the farmer asked his dog to bark loudly at the donkey ( 10 ) and thereby frighten him into the shed .
7 ‘ I think it 's time we left , ’ she muttered , standing up and thereby giving him no opportunity to deliver another of his pointed snubs .
8 Reid continued to leave him out and eventually sold him to Chelsea .
9 I waited and waited for him at the points and eventually met him about three or four o'clock in the morning for the first time .
10 He had given up lecturing in 1790 , apparently due to the angina which troubled and eventually killed him .
11 The children 's objective is to make sure that Samson survives , builds up experience and gathers items that will help him in his quest , and eventually enable him to complete his mission .
12 His mother generally runs after him and eventually gets him to sit in front of the TV with a snack in his hand .
13 The owner pursues the dog and eventually catches him .
14 It meant that Ince , who again succeeded in filling the void left by the absence of Robson , and Phelan could hunt down Keane and eventually run him out of the game .
15 It is this experience which first tempted Sohl to seek out the Geordie and eventually bring him down south .
16 Wednesday could tell Endill was upset and eventually persuaded him to explain why .
17 I looked around for Kalchu and eventually found him on the far side of the fire talking to a group of men , some of whom I recognized as being from Chaura and from Chhuma .
18 Ashley was frowning at the flames which had begun to dart around his feet when two other drivers appeared , grabbed hold of an arm apiece and forcibly dragged him away .
19 Bathsheba could say no more , and weakly let him put it on her finger .
20 Harry said , for he had met Jerry once or twice and rather liked him .
21 ‘ I do n't , ’ she said , and laughingly stopped him .
22 And all she could think of , as she rose to her feet and politely accompanied him to the front door , was that , suddenly , she did not want him to leave .
23 His mother was ambitious for her boy , and her ambition took the form of constantly encouraging , rebuking and endlessly telling him how he could improve .
24 If part of the credit for a breakthrough could be claimed by Mr Hussein , and so induce him to pull his army out of Kuwait , why not solve two problems in a single bloodless stroke ?
25 In any piece of fiction there must be room for the reader — room for him to jump at a suggestion , to insert himself into a story , to respond to hints and clues : to be told what is offered to him is to encourage him to read passively and so to give him less than he deserves .
26 But the next day was doleful : Mr Evans in a bad mood because he had eaten too much and Auntie Lou tiptoeing about for fear of making things worse and so annoying him further .
27 It seemed he had become confused over the time I 'd said I 'd pick him up , although it was always the same , and Miss Prescott thought he was a little agitated and so brought him round herself .
28 He jerked him to his feet , and separating the thin wrists he held , twisted them together again behind the boy 's back , and so thrust him painfully before him along the passageway to the staircase .
29 The horse must be taught to lower his head which in turn will loosen his back and so help him understand how to engage his hocks .
30 Whitaker , a committed and active Guild member , recognised in Coburn a considerable talent and so offered him the not insubstantial opportunity to shape a BBC drama series from grass roots , by writing its pilot .
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