Example sentences of "and [prep] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 President Yang Shangkun was removed from the politburo and as first vice-chair of the Central Military Commission ( CMC ) .
2 Infancy and early childhood are the time of basic sexual development ; pre-puberty — despite the " latency " concept — is the phase of accommodation to social thinking and relationships , and of first establishment of gender identity ; adolescence itself is marked by an upsurge of sexual feeling , establishment of sexual identity and — perhaps to an increasing extent — first true sexual experience .
3 A ceremony of Confirmation and of First Communion are inserted in the House Beautiful , and finally , in the most fundamental change , the pilgrims are enabled to cross the river and enter the Heavenly City by virtue of their acts instead of by their faith .
4 These are dusk to around 1.30 a.m. , and from first glimmer of light to an hour or so after sun-up .
5 Though the proportion of low birth weight infants decreases from very young maternal ages and from first birth order towards the prime childbearing ages and higher order births , it increases again considerably at later ages and from third and fourth birth orders ( Hungary , 1970 ; Selvin and Garfinkel , 1972 ; Chakraborty et al , 1975 ) .
6 He and Mr. O'Brien were acquainted with one another and on first name terms .
7 A bold , and on first acquaintance awkward , start leads to the corner which is well protected and followed ever more steeply to the crux at the top .
8 The results of automated full blood counts ( both lowest documented and on first outpatient attendance ) and an assessment of iron store state ( with serum iron , total iron binding capacity or ferritin , or both ) were recorded .
9 Stability tests on pilot batches and on first production batches should be carried out not only in the case of new products but also where there has been any change in the formulation of the product or in the source of the raw materials used or in the equipment used in manufacture or filling or in the method of manufacture or filing .
10 The focus is upon demographic factors of age at marriage and at first birth , maternal age , order of birth and family size , and the amount of time that elapses between births .
11 The value of the correlation coefficient is high , indicating a very strong relationship between age at first marriage and at first birth .
12 It may be observed that the linear regression line in Fig. 1 represents only the general tendency of the association between women 's age at first marriage and at first birth .
13 In other words , there is a negative correlation between median age at first marriage and at first birth .
14 On average , the interval between the median age at first marriage and at first birth is two years .
15 Also , the more moderate negative impact of teenage childbearing upon infant mortality in several countries , first of all in the Western Hemisphere region , where infant mortality in the maternal age group under 20 is lower than in the age group over 40 , may reflect , among other things ( such as later age at marriage and at first birth , higher educational and living standards , etc. ) the lower overall level of infant mortality .
16 The woman 's age at first marriage or union and at first birth , the number of children born and order of birth , and the amount of time that elapses between births directly or indirectly impinge upon the viability of young children and the probability of their survival at least beyond five years and have an effect on maternal health and mortality .
17 ‘ They have a very complex structure and at first sight they appear not to be connected in any way , ’ said Professor Mann .
18 It is not so much doubtful about Christianity as diffident about itself , and at first sight this looks appealing .
19 The Maud Committee interpreted its terms of reference in a specific and at first sight unexpected manner .
20 Each of them has many adherents in the discipline , and at first sight it looks as if the approaches are in direct competition .
21 This is surprising given the demanding nature of the potential category , and at first sight disappointing , since it casts no light on why the youngest children ( 57 per cent success ) do so much worse at the task than the older children ( 86 per cent success ) .
22 The prices of pharmaceutical products have frequently been reviewed by competition authorities , and at first sight the mark-ups appear to be very large .
23 Both tortoises and armadillos are animals that carry around their own suit of armour , and at first glance we might think they were related .
24 The Offset represents the weird and wonderful , and at first glance has the same unsettling effect as an optical illusion .
25 It does not make particularly amusing reading , and at first glance it may seem odd that Eliot was willing to enter the spirit of such occasions .
26 Two styles of pole floats immediately came to hand , the series X and the series S. Both floats had correctly shaped bodies — reversed pear — and at First glance appear quite similar .
27 And at first glance , these promise to be for the better .
28 I do n't think I went to bed , and at first light Father O'Sullivan came into my office .
29 Nevertheless , Bob Smith kept edging her towards Malta and at first light they saw the island over the long swells following the storm .
30 All of them have to hear people 's needs regularly and at first hand , and judge for themselves how well they ( and other lesbian and gay services ) are meeting them .
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