Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Médecin resigned as mayor of Nice and as Alpes-Maritimes Council president in an open letter sent from Osaka in Japan , where he was on an official visit .
2 The accuracy of response to verbal and spatial stimuli which were projected using a tachistoscope was measured for each sex , using a within and between subjects design .
3 During the conferences floppy disks containing home-grown software are exchanged like coinage , and between conferences software and messages continue to be exchanged by electronic mail .
4 For some metals case 1 applies , and for others case 2 applies .
5 And for girls sex means much more than just intercourse .
6 At that time no scientific software was available for the Altos , which ran on SCO-Xenix 3.4 — a Unix dialect — and the system was used by administrative , scientific and horticultural staff mainly for word processing , and for accounts management .
7 The research aims to describe how police authorities give effect to this duty and to analyse what the consequences of their adopting different strategies — formal consultative committees , public opinion surveys , informal liaison etc — are for the work of police authorities , for policing priorities and for police management practice .
8 Many of the would-be emigrants gathered later in the neighbouring town of Lezhë , where they stoned public buildings , and after police intervention a number converged on the railway station and boarded a train for Shkodër .
9 Discover the turn-of-the-century lifestyle of a great country house , depicted by above and below stairs character figures in the furnished rooms .
10 The current organisation and management of many areas of scientific activity , and of institutions dependant on such activity , is generally based on two assumptions .
11 That would be to ignore the role of the influential Communist Party and of grass-roots pressure within the movements .
12 There had thus been a level of skill enhancement for work in the classroom , and of skills training and transfer to working with colleagues within the group and others on the staff , and for achieving a mutually educative partnership between teacher and parent .
13 Existing macroeconomic models are generally deficient in both their treatment of the supply behaviour of the economy and of expectations formation .
14 We held our breath , and with hearts pounding ran through the danger area .
15 There has also been significant investment in the areas of health , safety , quality , the environment and in personnel development and training .
16 Most of this growth came in Catalytic Systems Division , where autocatalyst sales increased rapidly in Europe to meet the new emission standards for all new cars sold in the European Community , and in Materials Technology Division which benefited from cost rationalisation and a strong performance from the electronic materials business .
17 Although he had not recognized her immediately Fleury had noticed Chloe a moment earlier as she came trotting into the clearing ; since he had last set eyes on her Chloe 's golden curls had grown foul and matted and in places mange had already begun to remove them ; a cloud of flies followed her and every few yards she stopped to scratch .
18 Work in the south of this complex has revealed a Palaeozoic turbidite sequence intruded by numerous elongated late-Triassic granites , unusually aluminous and in places topaz-bearing .
19 A package of bilateral agreements signed by Gorbachev and Mitsotakis on July 23 included accords on avoiding " dangerous military activity " , on combating drug trafficking , and on customs co-operation .
20 They employed Christian names rather than titles but their turns of phrase for communication with each other , whether written or spoken , were formal in all cases and on occasions orotund .
21 Fourthly , the threat is an example of the Government 's lack of commitment to training and to skills development .
22 But whatever it 's origins there is now no doubt this is the world 's largest hot airballoon and to promotors ESP the perfect rave ambassador .
23 These are found in many public libraries , and at Citizens Advice Bureaux or Law Centres .
24 These are found in many public libraries , and at Citizens Advice Bureaux or Law Centres .
25 These are found in many public libraries , and at Citizens Advice Bureaux or Law Centres .
26 These are found in many public libraries , and at Citizens Advice Bureaux or Law Centres .
27 One has led to the written constitution , but it has also led to revolution and at times tyranny .
28 Hunger made him hallucinate , and at times frustration made him bang his head against the wall .
29 Because of the common age of onset being in the late teens it can easily be equated with the usual somewhat awkward behaviour and natural rebellion of teenagers , and initially be set aside by both relatives and professionals , resulting in great family trauma , and at times violence or suicide .
30 Despite the fact that neither the Model Code nor the Take-over Code have the force of law , they do represent important statements of commercial morality and at times breach of them may have legal consequences .
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