Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And then to lie there , the flesh warm and satisfied , but the mind calculating that soon one would have to get up , dress again , and drive Doreen home ; worry and responsibility rapidly replacing the excitement of pursuit and conquest .
2 There was a small wood behind it , climbing up the slope of the hill , with oak and beech just beginning to turn orange and yellow with autumn colours .
3 Her contemporary works are energetic , vibrant in colour and convey to the viewer the simultaneous simplicity and complexity so compelling in her early horse paintings .
4 I thought the two rivers both rising on Plynlimmon and then flowing their separate ways like brother and sister then meeting down under the Severn Bridge — I thought that provided a very nice theme for this beautiful border country
5 The effectiveness of these centralized procedures is demonstrated in the management of the major programme of changes in curriculum and assessment currently taking place in Scotland .
6 Norbert Wu is a marine naturalist , author and photographer currently working out of San Diego .
7 Fearless and aggressive , Jack become one of Palace 's youngest captains when he took over as skipper in 1956 , his determination and enthusiasm admirably suiting him for the role .
8 If this reserve army is always with us , so is social reaction to it : an ‘ immovable preoccupation ’ with ‘ the awesome spectre of crime and violence perpetually spiralling upwards ’ .
9 A mother of twelve , just had another still-born , stifled by the caul , he came out feet first and upside down facing up , the cord was around his neck , marks of sinfulness , twelve children with how many men ?
10 There was some confusion as to who was to be left behind , as ever all wanting to be in at the action , the Steward and Moray flatly refusing to stay .
11 They would be trapped in sun and light enough crossing the great unwinking glare and oven breath on their journey home .
12 She imagined Merlyn watching with her cruel eyes and Oliver being silently attentive and Cobalt quietly playing whatever game he was playing .
13 All three write that he went on the pilgrimage in 822 , al-Makrizi saying that he had gone by way of Damascus , Ibn Hajar and al-Sayrafi possibly implying that he went from Jerusalem since they write that he " returned " there after the pilgrimage : the two versions are not , of course , mutually exclusive in any case , and the latter two authors may well mean no more than that he returned [ from the pilgrimage ] to Jerusalem .
14 Hall ( 1981 ) has described the deprivation and disadvantage now characterizing the inner city , confirmed by a series of reports commissioned by the Economic and Social Research Council ( Cherry , 1987 ) .
15 Family historians need to be aware that long after the Reformation people continued to observe the prohibited periods of Lent and Advent when arranging their wedding day .
16 The playing has a freedom and spontaneity sometimes lacking in his recent work .
17 The child , a girl of about five , was whimpering softly , the skin of her legs and bottom already peeling .
18 If variation rather than fidelity is required in the management of change , then the restrictive views of professionality and management currently underpinning much thinking would not seem to be the most appropriate model for the future .
19 He flew to Hatfield and touched-down successfully balancing the elevator against the very powerful airbrakes , as previously used on aircraft carriers .
20 With Autumn and Winter rapidly approaching , anglers will soon he turning to pike .
21 Externally , it is little altered , the mill house and mill now forming an elegant dwelling and farm .
22 Sheep are being introduced on the coastal slopes around Shrinkle Haven Youth Hostel to stop encroaching scrub and bracken further smothering the traditional vegetation of the area and damaging feeding grounds for coastal birds .
23 As he strode out into the darkness , the gloom and chill of the evening only served to sharpen his anticipation , so that he had no eyes for the RIC men on patrol , the few pedestrians hurrying along , or the horse and cart just moving off beside him on the road , the barely discernible name JAS SULLIVAN painted on the cart 's side and a burly figure with a flattened nose and scarred face hunched on the driver 's seat , desultorily twitching the reins .
24 I have discovered a completeness of my mind and body so that it can work as a whole entity , instead of as a jumble of separate limbs , head and torso all working independently of one another .
25 Exactly and if you do n't pay it , and there are a few silly old so and sos not paying it at the moment , I mean the rest of us have had to pa
26 Vodnik was in many ways a typical figure of the European Romantic movement , drawing inspiration from the oral folk tradition of the peasants , which had a vigour and directness often lacking in the more formal literary tradition .
27 We therefore , compared 12 independently derived mouse lines ; including 8 Longs , 2 Shorts ( Figure 1 ) , as well as the previously described Ea-16 and We32-25 ( 30,36 ) , analysing their DNA and RNA quantitatively using a PhosphorImager .
28 It had settled already on the mounds still lying heaped on the field , white as quicklime ; flesh not yet cold and consigned already to ashes ; bone , juice , and fibre still consuming its fuel , deflating from its last action ; sponging off the last image and led already to dust .
29 Participating in a traditional bloody ritual called the grynd , that dates back over the centuries , Faroe Islanders each year herd large schools of pilot whales into shallow waters and then , with man and whale alike thrashing in red blood-stained water , the animals are gaffed , speared , or knifed to death .
30 In a frank and often amusing outburst , full of the colour and character normally missing from her stand-offish image , she put herself forward as being terribly misunderstood .
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