Example sentences of "of its [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Abbeville , Le Crotoy and Montreuil were important centres of cloth production , and the region 's agriculture was dominated by the exploitation of its forests for timber .
2 As Rabin has stated , the ‘ very essence of arbitrariness is to have one 's status redefined by the state without an adequate explanation of its reasons for doing so . ’
3 AN INCOMING Labour government would turn large areas of Whitehall upside down — but the party 's policy review barely considers the implications of its plans for restructuring government departments .
4 Indeed , because of deficiencies , the Air Force has had to change some of its plans for the bomber and may have to dish out an extra $1 billion to correct the problems .
5 Schering-Plough managing director Tony Cork said his team was relocating as part of its plans for further growth .
6 Last week it launched version 4 of the XPG portability guide and laid out some of its plans for the future .
7 And so far as the local issue was concerned , of course it 's the issue of tertiary education and erm this was erm a question of erm the particular Governors and parents who wanted to opt out erm doing what the Iraquis are doing with their aeroplanes and they were basically trying to fly Banbury School to a neutral country ; the idea being that erm as soon as the procedure for opting out started the Local Education Authority would not be able to use any of erm Banbury School 's land or premises in part of its plans for tertiary education in Banbury , so it was really an attempt to neutralize Banbury School .
8 Warranties : MiLAN warrants all of its products for a minimum of 1 to 5 years , depending on the type of product .
9 Thus , the Cambridge Board had secured resources to begin the development of its policies for the regional provision of adult education prior to the introduction of the 1932 Regulations .
10 Publicly-held Computone Corp , Rosewell , Georgia , has fired its board and all of its officers for financial mismanagement and is restructuring in an attempt to avoid either bankruptcy or Chapter 11 ( UX No 397 ) .
11 The research aims to assess the accuracy of OEDIPUS by comparing the accuracy of its predictions for fuel use , flight times and payloads with the values observed in practice .
12 The high-technology route is extremely expensive ; the sophistication of America 's weapons and the plaintiveness of its calls for burden-sharing are directly related .
13 Always , though , whether immediately or eventually , she would acquiesce , and I resented her acquiescence , not only because of its consequences for myself , but because I did n't understand why she , an adult , would not or could not stand up to him .
14 These political and legal developments have encouraged a pronounced shift of emphasis : from a law enforcement conception of policing , which ‘ views enforcement of the law as an end in itself , regardless of its consequences for the social order ’ to a peace-keeping conception which ‘ views law enforcement as a means towards an end : the highest possible level of public safety , order and preservation of life and property ’ ( Sherman , 1983:230 ) .
15 The 1988 Education Reform Act , seems likely to stand alongside that of 1944 , if not that of 1870 itself , in the scale of its consequences for education .
16 I announced last week assistance to Russia in the safe reduction of its surplus nuclear warheads , and we are considering with other interested countries how best to help Russia use the skills of its scientists for peaceful purposes .
17 However we divide up the work of an organisation , we can not satisfy all of its members for all time to come .
18 A large number of firms the Joint Monitoring Unit visited last year are failing to meet one or more of its criteria for good audit procedures , according to the first annual review of audit regulation .
19 Instead of accepting what may appear to many to be a cynical bribe , Radnorshire must deliver a clear message that it will not sell its beautiful countryside or the quality of life of its residents for cash .
20 Some aspects of its proposals for reforming the police and rethinking police tactics were implemented during 1982 and 1983 , but evidence of the ‘ urgent action ’ which it called for in other areas remained difficult to find .
21 There appears to be no room for the bill in the present legislative session , but the government has been keen to maintain the momentum of its proposals for reform to the laws .
22 Family planning and health programmes should focus upon such women to gain their acceptance of family planning and their understanding of its benefits for themselves and their children .
23 On the strength of its hearings for the first eighteen applications the Reviewing Committee for the Export of Works of Art duly stopped all the drawings and starred the group , thus indicating its special status only the sixth time this has ever happened .
24 He turned and looked at Dinah lying on the bed , her shoes kicked off beside it , her hair out of its pins for comfort , her gown unlaced .
25 It was brought against two of Fidelity 's directors and the auditors of its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1984 .
27 The Thatcher government has found some of its ideas for tax and social security reform affected by the reservations of small business about new tasks for government .
28 The British government carried out a review of its arrangements for handling nuclear accidents overseas following the Chernobyl accident .
29 Finally , one issue merits more detailed comment because of its implications for the entire Docklands community — housing .
30 Particular interest attaches itself to the distribution of the elderly population , because of its implications for the provision of retirement accommodation and social services .
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