Example sentences of "of them the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For both of them the landscape in which they now stood was quite unrelated to any of this .
2 The public library uniquely affords the expression of all minority views , gives all of them the opportunity of acceptance , or of withering away .
3 The two remaining horses appeared round the corner , one of them the roan .
4 For teachers and other educators therefore the effectiveness of the library 's retrieval system is a matter of concern , and for some of them the way in which the retrieval system forces the enquirer to conceptualize his need is in itself a matter for educational as well as bibliothecal decision .
5 For all of them the lungs push air through a narrow opening where it causes friction of various kinds .
6 I would take as one of them the letters in Assyrian characters sent from Persia to Sparta which the Athenians intercepted and managed to translate in 425 B.C. : for surely by Assyria grammata Thucydides must mean an Aramaic text ( 4.50 ) .
7 The reverse of both tiles was damaged , and on only one of them the letters NDS END could just be made out , but Martha could not be mistaken .
8 In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road .
9 The years of closure will be very busy ones , and at the end of them the building will have been returned to sound condition , and the garden restored , for the commencement of Waddesdon 's second hundred years .
10 In some of them the Friend is described in the third person ( often as ‘ my love ’ ) and time addressed as Thou .
11 She said one of them the sex offender made her and the woman get into a bath of cold water fully-clothed .
12 The inferences are systematic , they are decodable by different interpreters in the same way , and without most of them the exchange can not be understood ; most of them must therefore be part of what is communicated , in Grice 's strict sense of meant-nn .
13 Our present study supports the view that whole protein based diets are clinically effective , as suggested in three previous trials that compared this type of diet with elemental formulas , although in one of them the sample is small and the conclusions are only indicative .
14 To either side of them the wonders spread , daunting in their opulent splendour .
15 This is particularly noticeable in Picasso 's drastic treatment of the human body in the series of paintings under discussion ; in some of them the subject 's limbs are abruptly truncated .
16 Saddam Hussein had urged the Iraqi parliament " to adopt your just decision to lift the travel ban on all foreigners and to restore to all of them the freedom to travel , apologizing to those who may have been harmed , and seeking forgiveness from God " .
17 pounds for that griddle there 's so and so 's money and there 's the money for the flowers all in these little bags of money , been counting out all this money and they got home seven o'clock that night and he was then do n't know where he was going with me erm but they piles in the car all three of them the girls have got ta have a shower so they stayed there and er ooh I know where they was going !
18 In one of them the visitors faced the problem of the relationship between the staff and a head of department being the subject of a libel action , and a refusal by the staff to meet the visitors in the presence of the head of the department ( resolved by the visiting party member who chaired the meeting allowing the head of department to stay until he had to leave ‘ for another meeting ’ ) .
19 On the right are some rocks , and at the foot of them the sheep are feeding .
20 Many , particularly from The Times and Sunday Times , had been on the papers in Gray 's Inn Road and Printing House Square all their working lives , and for most of them the strike was about more than trade-union principles .
21 Until the kuriltai most of the Altun had entertained no notion of the problems presented by the campaign To the majority of them the Alan country was just another part of the continent .
22 and erm then some of the people like er er in London started out erm making shades or er fittings which were erm quite at home in the house er or in the office and erm these were , well that is one design of them the wall back is to match you see , er but you could equally er , put those into erm hotel bedroom or something or er hotel lounge somewhere there , erm or you can get them large with more lamps in them I think and all sorts of new designs were coming out mainly in , in plastic er and erm
23 For most of them the beginning of grammar school represented a sharp break from the familiarities of the neighbourhood primary school .
24 Other stock markets around the world followed the optimisic trend set by the big exchanges , though in many of them the trading was relatively light .
25 For most of them the day 's duties were over . ’
26 New charities mushroomed , one of them the Worcester Kurdish Refugee Association .
27 A human onlooker would , for example , have recognised in two of them the likenesses of Bravd and the Weasel .
28 To all of them the story pattern of Mary 's assent to God 's will at the Annunciation , enabling the birth of his Son who was involved with suffering , death , but also with resurrection and ascension in time , discloses a means of re-ordering ( literally transforming ) their own experience .
29 For all of them the story of the Incarnation interprets and orders all possibilities of human experience .
30 He believes that about a million new households will form in the South-east by 2001 , most of them the sons and daughters and new elderly of the region itself .
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