Example sentences of "of a [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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61 I mean suddenly we had the example of a women 's support group from the miner 's strike th that we had the idea you know fr from that erm and Yona really put it in a nutshell when she said I think er er you know behind closed doors the women worrying about what was gon na happen next you know they felt very frustrated and in a way it was a way to channel o our energies away i i i it was seen as that really in the beginning you know as a a sort of a more as a way of getting rid of the well y you know the sort of desperation er the impotence one felt of not being able to do anything in this situation and it 's er and by now of course we 've all become as a group very close er you know we 're we 're more like a big family now really an sort of er a lot of the women have never really sort of regularly been to meetings an th the commitment there is very strong really that we all turn up to our Tuesday meetings sort of .
62 Rather than waiting for more individual tenants to bring the same problem , it would be more efficient for the bureau to alert the local authority concerned and to explore with interested clients the possibility of a tenants ' association .
63 The Cornwallis Stakes also has the look of a bookmakers ' benefit , but the rugged Somethingdifferent , who ran so well behind Welney in a high-class event at Newbury , could be hard to contain .
64 This means that instead of a Lions ' debut being guaranteed for the 10-times-capped Garryowen player against Canterbury in Christchurch on Wednesday week , he might miss the match .
65 There is no professional restriction in force which prohibits the formation of a solicitors ' limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act 1907 and , indeed , s717(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 expressly contemplates their existence .
66 After a transitional period of three years from 1 January 1992 , such companies will only be operable as part of a solicitors ' incorporated practice .
67 Service companies The attractiveness of service companies in the administration of a solicitors ' practice will by and large depend upon the perceived fiscal advantages at any particular time ( see Chapters 5 and 10 ) .
68 The lien of a solicitors ' firm over clients ' papers pending payment of its costs will not be lost by a change in membership so long as the papers have come into the firm 's possession before the change : they can not ( subject always to any specific arrangements with the client to the contrary ) lawfully be retained after such a change in respect of a debt falling due before that event .
69 It is not the purpose of this or the following chapter to present a comprehensive guide to the administration of a solicitors ' practice or to advise as to the ways in which its profitability can be increased .
70 ( b ) Professional conduct Given the nature of a solicitors ' practice , even in the absence of a written agreement it would readily be implied that each partner owed a duty to his co-partners to observe the professional conduct regulations promulgated by the Law Society .
71 In the ordinary course of a solicitors ' practice the partners will meet at regular intervals to discuss the affairs of the firm ( Clause 17.03 ) .
72 Since in the case of a solicitors ' partnership all parties to such agreements should be taken as being familiar with the legal principles governing covenants in restraint of trade as well as with the particular circumstances of the practice with which they have all been involved , it might be thought that the court would be unwilling to substitute its own ideas as to what might constitute reasonable protection for the business .
73 Unfortunately the 1926 Illuminations had to be terminated prematurely because of a miners ' strike , although they were reinstated for one night on October 2 for the opening of New South Promenade by Lord Derby .
74 In addition , in February 1974 , these interlocking groups had special reasons for wanting a Conservative government returned apart from the fear of a miners ' victory leading to anarchy and national bankruptcy .
75 It looked like a small , run-down Victorian railway hotel , which was fine , really , because that is what it had started off as , some time round the middle of the last century in an age of soaring optimism when all things seemed possible , or at least profitable , even the commercial success of a travellers ' rest beside a branch line in the middle of nowhere .
76 I walked round the walled field and found myself at the edge of a tinkers ' camp .
77 West Ham 's assistant manager Harry Redknapp has been another victim of a fans ' fit-up .
78 Australian rescue workers in Newcastle yesterday recovered another body in the wreckage of a workers ' club , bringing to 10 the official death toll in Thursday 's earthquake .
79 Calls for the creation of a workers ' soviet , including a summons by the Bolshevik Vyborg District Committee to form it at the Finland Station in the Vyborg district , became widespread .
80 Whereas for Marxist-Leninists , the nationalization of property in the hands of a workers ' State ensured that through the institutions which represented them — the State , the party , the soviets and the trade unions — the working masses were now in command , for libertarians this represented little more than a ‘ change of guard ’ .
81 As this was something of a lovers ' lane , he had a good chance of catching a couple knobbing on the back seat And Steve , as I 'd already found out for myself , always did like a bit of voyeurism .
82 The Shipman 's Tale tells of a lovers ' triangle , involving a merchant who lives at St Denis ( France ) , his wife , and a Parisian monk who was regarded as their friend : indeed the monk and the merchant call each other cousin , as both are from the same village .
83 The 90 recommendations of the inquiry included the phasing out of seclusion , better staff training and the setting up of a patients ' advocacy service .
84 When one caller transgresses this line of demarcation , asking the presenter Dolores what she thinks of a terrorists ' kidnapping , she replies ‘ That would be a little outside the scope of this programme Charlie , there 'll be experts commenting again in the morning to tell you what to think of it , why do n't you talk to me about yourself … ’ ( 80 ) .
85 It was a relic from the great days of the docks , and had kept the feel of a sailors ' and a stevedores ' drinking hole , right down to the bare brick walls and flagstones .
86 However , this depends on the existence of a sellers ' market ( exporters in a strong bargaining position ) which might not always exist ; the importer might insist on being invoiced in his own currency .
87 The Podmore survey indicated that on average 15 per cent of a practices ' time would be taken up with company and commercial work .
88 There still remains the primary need for all agreements , however limited in scope , which affect the partners to be set down clearly and exhaustively in writing to avoid subsequent dispute : such writing may range from the proper minutes of a partners ' meeting to a separate manual describing a firm 's management process as a guide , in the largest firms , to enable every partner and every employee to identify the person responsible for any particular aspect of the firm 's administration .
89 ( a ) Meetings and their conduct Whatever may have been agreed as to the taking of decisions by unanimous or majority vote , as much a matter of good management as of good faith is the need to ensure that all relevant information is given to all the partners before a vote is taken : the requisite majority of partners should not purport to take decisions and act on them behind the backs of the minority unless such has been expressly authorised or the need for immediate action precludes the convening of a partners ' meeting ; and even then there should be no delay before all partners are acquainted with the circumstances and invited to ratify any decision taken in their name .
90 The validity of decisions taken by the partners may depend upon all of them having at least received notice of a partners ' meeting or upon one or more of them having been duly informed of action to be taken against them by their co-partners .
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