Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] or " in BNC.

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1 They see it working and often they are given a print out of the results at the end of a spectrum or something like that that they can take back to the school with them and analyze .
2 Top lot will be an Egyptian limestone head of a god or goddess , dated to the late eighteenth Dynasty , around 1300 BC ( est. $250,000–350,000 ; £163,000–229,000 ) .
3 For others it was the handiwork of a god or gods .
4 A control account is merely an extra account inserted at the back of a ledger or kept separately to make the ledger self-balancing .
5 In the case of a walk-in or chance guest then the room status board would be checked to see if accommodation was available .
6 You may come across it when you tap Ctrl+Pg Dn to move to the bottom of a document or if you tap Ctrl+Enter by accident .
7 The effect was partly to set the poet amongst the roots of a wood or forest , until , as Mortimer Cropper had pointed out , one realised that the background was one of those compartmentalised Wardian cases , in which the Victorians grew plants in controlled environments , or created self-sustaining ponds , in order to study the physiology of plants and fishes .
8 Unless you locate it either in the middle of a wood or at the bottom of a quarry .
9 It 's an illness we do n't know much about , but sometimes it affects the muscles of a leg or an arm .
10 Not to be outdone by the Rossinians and the Mozartians , or the Vienna and New York Philharmonics , Houston this year celebrates the twentieth anniversary not of a birth or death or a founding , but of a hiring , that of David Gockley as General Director of the Houston Grand Opera .
11 She did this when she had no grasp of a conversation or no understanding of a situation and felt herself de trop .
12 Communicative function within the context of a conversation or discussion .
13 Dig the soil to the depth of a spade or fork , and clear out the rubbish as you go large stones , glass , china , bottle tops , sticks , wire , plastic and so on — at the same time mixing in a thin layer of rotted garden compost , especially if the soil is shallow and only a few cm ( in ) deep on top of chalk subsoil .
14 The more of a villain or a lout Tommaso Talvi appeared to others , the sweeter she found her task of siding with him , of divining the exceptional qualities in him , of standing by his side .
15 ‘ I gave 'em the price of a pint or two , in hopes they might come and spend it at the Watermen !
16 ‘ I was thinking if we could stop his cows from getting out of a field or save his hayricks when they were on fire , ’ said Heather , who loved reading stories and was always having make-believe adventures , with herself as the heroine .
17 The formal school , its very formality often proclaimed through uniforms , school prefects and termly reports which show marks and grades , continues to co-exist alongside others which although having almost identical idea on content ( eg that young children should be led to an understanding of life in caves and Victorian towns and how to calculate the area in square metres of a field or a carpet ) adopt a radically different approach to achieve a seemingly identical end .
18 Of equal importance is the ability to understand what can be seen at some historical sites where there is little attempt at historical reconstruction to assist understanding — perhaps a burial mound in the middle of a field or a ruined castle .
19 To harden a royal icing , for instance where it is used as part of a structure or decoration , a tiny amount only of acetic acid or cream of tartar could be added .
20 24 The timing machine above is part of a computer or calculating box .
21 The human brain works at the speed of a computer or faster , but some milliseconds are needed for thought .
22 Usually , those who have espoused it as a goal have had little interest in the idea of equalizing all the pupils of a school or an educational system , or indeed all the people in a particular country .
23 HOW many of you have stood in front of a skeleton , usually in some quiet corner of a school or institution and thought to yourself , who was he or she ? and then some bright spark walks past and informs you that ‘ Oh yes , that 's a female skeleton ’ !
24 You will also need , in this type of essay , to signal that you are aware of the dangers of reductionism : that is , of simplifying the work of a school or movement until it no longer adequately represents what anyone associated with it would recognise or subscribe to .
25 It is the prominent arrangement of swastika meander however , which appears to be particularly important for any suggestion of a school or group of integrally related mosaic designs .
26 The routine sample is a monitor of the state of a watercourse or a particular effluent , intended to build up a profile of water and effluent quality .
27 Help may be available for things such as bedding , heaters , the installation or re-siting of a meter or for reconnection charges if your fuel supply has been cut off .
28 One writer described couples entering and leaving church in the 1870s as ‘ cool and businesslike , as though having paid the deposit on the purchase of a donkey or a handsome barrow , they were just going in with their witnesses to settle the bargain ’ .
29 It 's just that the first time it happens , especially if you are used to the more genteel reduction in power and revs of a Lycoming or a Continental when you throttle back , it does n't half make the old adrenalin start flowing .
30 It may be beyond the capacity of a 12- or 15-teacher secondary school , a 10-teacher middle school , a 10-teacher primary school or an 8-teacher first school .
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