Example sentences of "of the other party " in BNC.

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1 There is some evidence that it was Snowden who suggested the formula of the ‘ doctor 's mandate ’ , at a Cabinet meeting on 5 October , under which the component parts of the National Government were each to issue their own manifestos , with a separate personal appeal from the Prime Minister , According to Neville Chamberlain , ‘ Snowden … produced the suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue his own manifesto asking for a free hand [ i.e. on tariffs ] and the two Party leaders should each issue their own programmes and to our astonishment this was at once accepted by the Liberals , ' Amery , who perhaps got the information from Chamberlain , wrote in his diary on 6 October , ‘ Apparently when the deadlock seemed most complete Snowden suggested that the PM should issue his own manifesto , each of the other party leaders issuing theirs . '
2 To start negotiations having to rely on the generosity of the other party is not to start in the strongest of positions !
3 The registrar could be obliged to report the matter to one party when there appears to be some irregularity between the registered sex and the appearance of the other party .
4 probing the limits of the other party
5 It pays to research and prepare thoroughly for the bargaining process ; find out as much as possible about your own bargaining power and the situation of the other party .
6 6.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party
7 7.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon all the parties and may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party .
8 7.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon all the parties and may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party .
9 7.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon all the parties and may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party .
10 In any situation of conflict , whether serious or trivial , the complexities of our inner self are likely to be of equal , if not more significance , than the role of the other party .
11 This places the solicitor in a less favourable position than the businessman who possesses greater opportunities to exploit a commercial relationship , possibly to the detriment of the other party .
12 The list could be expanded to incorporate any treaty which provides for mutuality , reciprocity , or where the personal identity of the other party is important , for then , by definition the parties can not have intended to allow assignment .
13 To protect the ‘ genuine ’ third party , the consent of the member States had also to be brought to the notice of the other party to the treaty , a non-member of the organisation .
14 It is tempting to see the role of the Tory administration , which included Disraeli , as an anticipatory theft of the other Party 's clothes .
15 If a transaction satisfies these requirements , the section applies , irrespective of the situation of the property , irrespective of the nationality or residence of the other party , and irrespective of the law which governs the transaction .
16 In the first place , to treat presence of the other party within England and Wales as the factor which determines whether a transaction is within the ambit of the sections would be to adopt a criterion which would be capricious in the extreme .
17 If a transaction relating to English land is within the legislation regardless of the identity or whereabouts of the other party to the transaction , why should not this equally be so with regard to a transaction relating to shares in an English company ?
18 What this shows is that the physical absence or presence of the other party at the time of the transaction by itself bears no necessary relationship to the appropriateness of the transaction being investigated and made the subject of an order by an English court .
19 The Court of Justice held that the word ‘ obligation ’ in article 5(1) refers to the contractual obligation forming the basis of the legal proceedings ; and that , in a case such as de Bloos , where the plaintiff asserts the right to be paid damages and seeks dissolution of the contract on the ground of the wrongful conduct of the other party , the obligation referred to in article 5(1) is still that which arises under the contract , the non-performance of which is relied upon to support such claims .
20 As I have already remarked , no details are given of the other party or parties to the transactions entered into by these investors .
21 Normally an application must be served at least fourteen days before the hearing of it , though the court has power to extend or abridge time under s 376 , and under r 7.4(6) the court may hear an application immediately , with or without the attendance of the other party , or authorise a shorter period of service .
22 ( 2 ) Damage arising from a direct collision between vehicles insured by the parties to this Agreement and the Policy issued by one of those parties being a fleet insurance or part of a fleet insurance as defined hereunder a ) and not granting indemnity against such damage to the insured vehicle or b ) being subject to an excess of more than $100 in respect of such damage , that party shall pay a ) one half of the loss of the other party in respect of the damage to their Insured 's vehicle or b ) not more than half the excess save and except that if the amount recoverable is $50 or less this clause will be inoperative .
23 being damaged by or through a vehicle or as a result of loading or unloading of or of anything falling from a vehicle , the party insuring against such Third Party risks the owner or the driver of the vehicle or the person on whose behalf it is being driven shall pay three quarters of the loss of the other party in respect of such damage irrespective of legal liability .
24 In the event of either the seller or buyer becoming bankrupt ( or , in the case of a company , going into liquidation ) , the rights of the other party over the goods may well depend upon whether property has passed to the buyer .
25 ‘ Nothing in this section shall affect the duties or liabilities 3–32 of either seller or buyer as a bailee or custodier of the goods of the other party . ’
26 In that case , the party whom the clause favours ( usually the seller ) will not be found to have incorporated it in the contract unless either it was in a contractual document signed by the other party or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring it to the attention of the other party .
27 [ Article 16 concerned the preservation of cultural assets of the other party on their territory and the return of those cultural treasures illegally removed or misappropriated , which are on their territory .
28 Usually , the contract will mention the fee , but this provision might be useful if the supplier takes on additional work at the request of the other party and no mention is made at the time of agreement of the charge for this extra work .
29 A party is regarded as acquiring control if it has the possibility of exercising " decisive influence " on another party in particular by ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of the other party , or rights which confer decisive influence on the composition , voting or decisions of the other party 's board of directors or of its shareholders ' meetings .
30 A party is regarded as acquiring control if it has the possibility of exercising " decisive influence " on another party in particular by ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of the other party , or rights which confer decisive influence on the composition , voting or decisions of the other party 's board of directors or of its shareholders ' meetings .
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