Example sentences of "of my [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And Joe and Biddy , I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you 've done for me .
2 I 'd welcome it too — get him out of my hair for a bit . ’
3 I was convinced of one thing : of the purity and truth of my love for you .
4 Be assured of my love for you .
5 You should n't have doubted the depth of my love for you but I understand why you felt so insecure .
6 You needed to be reassured of my love for you .
7 The measure of my outrage and anger was the measure of my love for you .
8 She twinkled with pleasure as I wove a windmill-tilting , dragon-vanquishing saga of my quest for the frothy and elusive grail .
9 I lose my life , so a hundred percent of my genes for altruism are wiped out .
10 So a hundred and fifty percent of my genes for altruism are saved in three siblings , compared to one hundred percent lost in me .
11 Strategic decisions urgently need to be taken since , as I pointed out in the very first of my articles for NSS in January 1991 , the British economy is now in grave peril .
12 I sometimes did little unexpected kid things out of my tenderness for her , and was always glad to be the one to take up tea for her if she was unwell , and so on , or to help her with the housework when she was servantless .
13 Well , I looked at my list and it says February , and I 've got a list of my lectures for every week .
14 I have appended a small article in the hope that you will find it useful and as a measure of my support for ‘ Observations ’ and I hope it does well .
15 ‘ I had a great sore on the side of my leg for about 19 months .
16 I also told him of my affection for you and that I could n't injure you by marrying you without love .
17 The fact that hippies were so violently apolitical inspired a lot of my polemics for a long time on Oz .
18 In response to a most generous inquiry , I am putting together a selection of my screenplays for
19 In the case of other human beings I have the evidence of my senses for the first and last links of the series , but not for the intermediate link .
20 One of my favourites for growing in containers on a patio or terrace is the heliotrope used for bedding .
21 Then I took off my little gold earrings and felt in the folds of my dress for all the money I 'd saved or stolen from my brother 's pockets over the years , and placed both the money and earrings in the palm of her hand , forcing her fingers shut around them .
22 A night of restless tossing , snatchings of brief seasons of sleep , and fitful wakings , preceded the morning of my departure for the West Coast .
23 I make no secret of my gratitude for being a member of a fortunate generation who have not been called on to fight in Europe .
24 He goes he goes you ca n't go to sleep , and he sat on the edge of my bed for about quarter of an hour .
25 If you do close then it will pretty conclusively solve my dilemma about whether or not I could have afforded to tap 50 quid out of my grant for a subscription next term .
26 I had to check with John what had been sent and it turned out Rollersnakes — or one particular roller skating employee of said carpet shop/skateboard emporium — had kept most of my stuff for themselves and given me their old stock off the shelf .
27 He told them , ‘ Everyone had a codename in those days and , because of my admiration for the Irish struggle for Independence , I chose ‘ Michael ’ , a name I called myself after Michael Collins . ’
28 He wrote many of my letters for me , and helped me .
29 ‘ My friend Sarah makes most of my clothes for me .
30 He 's taken away some of my clothes for forensic tests . ’
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