Example sentences of "of all [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Those over 65 years declined in the same period from 13% of all farmers to 10% .
2 We want South Africans of all races to be free , not only to vote , but to create wealth for themselves and prosperity for their country .
3 A further detail which supports the view that let evokes the lifting of all obstacles to the event denoted by the infinitive and concomitant actualization of the latter is the tendency for let to form a tight unit with the infinitives of certain verbs : ( 222 ) Kreisler let fall a further heavy hint .
4 In fact , according to a recent Scottish Tourist Board survey , 79 percent of all visitors to Scotland come because of the heritage attractions , putting activities such as hillwalking , fishing and golf well down the list .
5 The best way is to draw examples of all reports to be produced by the system .
6 The Sanga-Sanga PSC currently supplies approximately 60 per cent of all gas to the Bontang LNG plant which in turn supplies 60 per cent of Indonesian LNG exports .
7 Its authority to work for the removal of all barriers to the free movement of coal and steel rested on a wide array of actions , ranging from non-binding recommendations to binding decisions .
8 The most significant breakthrough in this respect was the decision to implement a common tariff on imports from January 1991 , in order to facilitate the eventual removal of all barriers to intra-community trade .
9 The introduction of the CET was in preparation for the removal of all barriers to intra-regional trade scheduled for July 1991 , and the establishment of a single CARICOM market by 1993 .
10 This project was funded by the CNAA in 1988 and was based on a study of all entrants to 25 degree programmes who had originally begun their undergraduate courses in either 1984 ( 4 year degrees ) or 1985 ( 3 year degrees ) .
11 While this was a study of all entrants to universities , mature students and those with ‘ other qualifications ’ ( Viz. not UK schooltype exams ) , were identified within the typology often possible entry routes into Scottish universities .
12 Taylor , Walton and Young ( 1973 ) were highly critical of this example of behaviourist imperialism and claimed that the exclusion of all reference to subjective mental events which the take-over bid necessarily entailed was entirely alien to the whole spirit of differential association .
13 John Rawls , in A Theory of Justice , seeks to arrive at abstract principles of justice by means of a device which strips the procedure of arriving at principles bare of all reference to the particular and concrete .
14 Where such a ‘ Healthcheck ’ is carried out , care should be taken to ensure that the report addressed to the client only that the client is made aware that it is not a comprehensive list of all matters to be addressed prior to sale and that implementation of recommendations does not necessarily mean that management should provide any warranties on the matter .
15 He remained the best of all friends to people .
16 Fears were thus expressed that , while the ratio of all dependents to the total population might be no greater in the immediate future than in the past , the cost per dependent had grown and would continue to grow .
17 The use of money with its units of measurement ( pounds and pence in the United Kingdom ) enables the prices of all goods to be quoted in these units .
18 On the amount of damages , Mr Lightman said the Court of Appeal had a special responsibility to bear in mind the ‘ dangerous precedent ’ which could be set by such awards , and added that in this case the award was out of all proportion to the alleged libel .
19 ‘ For some children it would give them the opportunity to wreak mayhem , while other , more sensitive children would be deeply affected out of all proportion to what they had done .
20 This relentless nagging and tidying will have an effect out of all proportion to its actual cogency .
21 Delors ' proposals were clearly out of all proportion to that figure , and he was soon obliged to retreat with a lame explanation that he had been ‘ arguing from the absurd to show what it would cost to achieve such a goal ’ .
22 It seems likely that both the concern of political parties and of the public at the activities of the BUF was totally out of all proportion to its importance and to the political challenge which it presented ; as John Stevenson and Chris Cook wrote ‘ British fascism was almost a non-starter ’ .
23 The thrill was out of all proportion to the event , of course , and serves only to reflect the overwhelmingly domesticated aspect of much British countryside , dominated as it is by cows and sheep , as well as some of what historian Keith Thomas has called ‘ our anti-urban bias ’ .
24 Take the example of Italy , where proportional representation has created permanent instability , with a series of coalition governments that have had to depend on several minor parties whose influence has been out of all proportion to their success in the polls .
25 This strange , but generally valid comment stems from the fact that the value of fixed capital involved in virtually any farm business is out of all proportion to the returns that can be made .
26 Knill described the importance of LOIS , which will investigate pollution in estuaries and shallow waters , as being out of all proportion to its size ’ .
27 The other characteristic is that their influence seems out of all proportion to the amount present : a little goes a long way .
28 In summary , then , the importance of a particular gas in the atmosphere to life on Earth may be out of all proportion to the concentration of that component .
29 In fact , the number of left-wing activists was never large but their impact was out of all proportion to their numbers because they found new methods of protest which caught the imagination of much larger numbers .
30 The contribution of their lowland breeds to the cattle of the world is out of all proportion to the size of the country and their success has been phenomenal , with the black-and-white pied dairy breeds in particular spreading in huge numbers all over the world .
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