Example sentences of "of they come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She erm said well of course they know the questions beforehand and the , the answers are always written out for them erm but I , I would n't have thought all the answers because some of them come over quite spontaneously .
2 Joan 's just rung see they come over for , all of them come over for dinner every Sunday , and er Joan 's er Andrea 's going out with a crowd of them today she 's in with a nice girl a girl er married and the husband , he 's treats Andrea as if it 's a baby sister , so he 's more or less looking after her which is Joan 's very pleased about
3 And she said erm where they have their big discos in the universities er you know , about two thousand five hundred of them come round of course they 've got fire alarm systems there , then she said you get the underground so called Mafia , whatever you like to call them she said , they are chaps she said in their thirties , and forties , arrive in shiny big white and red Porsches this that and the other and deliberately , cos they 're club owners
4 You could show it a scene , while its two special nodes are free , and see if either or both of them come on .
5 It would n't do any harm , either physically or financially , to have the two of them come up to London , possibly put them up for the night .
6 ‘ The walk along the Clyde beside the castle is a favourite among Uddingston folk — some of them come up here almost every day .
7 They managed to get some ones on the sea , but they did have a try erm a lot of them come up with the erm barking up the wrong tree said the dog , you know , things like that with a bit of help .
8 Some of them come back from all over Britain .
9 yeah , and er , she gets them back and er they 've got to go through about twenty different processes before they 're allowed out the shop , or out the storage , cos even then , when they 're in store , they 're , they 're , some of them come back as cracked , you get ones coming back from er customers sort of thing , been and they come back and they 've got pins in them , they 've got bloody great er bits on the outside , of the outside .
10 Another of them come in .
11 three of them come out , now what happens if there are Right you fire this snooker ball into one uranium nucleus , it splits off and then three snooker balls come flying out and there 's more uranium about what 's gon na happen ?
12 ‘ I write most of the lyrics , but it 's strange the way some of them come out , ’ he says .
13 ‘ I write most of the lyrics , but it 's strange the way some of them come out , ’ he says .
14 None of them come anywhere near the high calorific value of a big fried breakfast or even two or three slices of thickly buttered toast .
15 One of them came up behind him and hooked an arm around his throat while another snatched the whip from his hand .
16 Former New Seekers singer Lyn Paul was linked with him briefly and , in a ‘ kiss- and tell ’ interview , said , ‘ I think every time he took a girl out he compared her with his former wife , Gabrielle , and none of them came up to scratch . ’
17 One of them came nearer .
18 On a battlefield , she robbed a dead general of a leatherbound book grasped so tightly in his frozen fingers that two of them came away with it .
19 Most of them came fro Blundell 's School and Castle Cary CC in Somerset , and they were styled the Devon & Somerset County Wanderers .
20 Most of them came apart like butterflies in a whirlwind and were dispersed ; some struggled for infinite moments , trying to summon up enough reserves of strength to achieve reality , before they were spent .
21 The women lived with it — some of them came here for a week and then went back to it .
22 The Oxford Union has played host to Prime Ministers and American presidents , but none of them came here to sing .
23 Two of them came round a while ago and they said , ‘ Our pigeon 's on your roof , miss , can we go up your house and get it down through your loft ? ’
24 While they had their own ideas and theories , Diana did not feel that any of them came close to understanding the true nature of the turmoil in her heart and mind .
25 He often invited the girls back to his house , but most of them came only once .
26 A good many boys and girls had joined the crowd now and shouts of laughter broke out as a few of them came out from the gate in the kitchen-garden wall , their hands full of ripe peaches , their chins dripping with juice .
27 It seems a couple of them came out here a time or two , asked a few questions , shrugged their shoulders and took themselves off . ’
28 One of them came in , looked at the rubber gear and said , cor , I do n't know about this any more , this is all a bit too weird for me .
29 ‘ Two of them came in yesterday evenin' . ’
30 Turbin lights and they were for use of coastal command of the RAF first searchlighting for submarines , looking for submarines , the er the Harvards were very much trained as some of them came in from the Navy they were used for training landing of pilots on aircraft carriers , and they had hooks underneath you know the er they were a very good trainer they were still used today , but when we used to go and see films at the pictures they used to use them a lot as Japanese aircraft because they looked alike , and they used to use them as zeros in the American films these Harvard trainers , er and but like as I said they had a experimental department at Helliwells and they used to try out various things to see if they could improve on the structure or the instrumentation things like that
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