Example sentences of "of he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In competition with 800 other boys , he made it to the last five , but nerves got the better of him during a final audition at the Criterion Theatre , in London 's West End .
2 After my first sight of him that sunny autumn morning in the gallery of the courtyard in the Palacio de Anaya , his face haunted me all day , and I dreamt of him during the night — a long , ecstatic dream of such acute sensual pleasure I woke up aching and exhausted by too much bliss .
3 The origin of ITV can be explained in many ways : as a classic case ( perhaps the first , post-war ) of high pressure political lobbying ; as Churchill 's revenge on the BBC for its disdainful treatment of him during the 1926 General Strike and in his wilderness years in the 1930s , when he was largely kept off the air ; or as part of the Conservative move to ‘ set the people free ’ from the bureaucracy and greyness allegedly intrinsic to Labour planning and the construction of the welfare state ( sweets , be it remembered , did not finally come off ration until 1953 ) .
4 Donald is reputed to have fled to the ( Western ) Isles , and nothing is known of him during the reigns of Macbeth and Malcolm III .
5 How curious that she could now think of him without the tiniest pang ; it was as if the shadow of Max had been totally eclipsed by the substance of Luke — with all its ramifications .
6 She pulled away and walked ahead of him along the corridor , hearing the measured tread of his footsteps as he followed , and to her over-sensitive ears they seemed to match exactly the pounding , thudding beat of her heart .
7 She went ahead of him up the narrow stairs , which twisted round .
8 Louise walked ahead of him up the path carrying the pie in a wicker basket .
9 Nothing further is known of him beyond a minor land acquisition in 1538 until , in 1540 , he suddenly emerged as a gentleman of Henry VIII 's privy chamber , a post he was to retain under the young Edward .
10 She liked him , never thought of him as a boyfriend , he was too comfortable .
11 Biggs is of the opinion that Mason would be unlikely to survive more than a couple of rounds against the world heavyweight champion and at this stage it would be unwise to even think of him as a genuine contender .
12 His fellow-undergraduates thought of him as a gangly youth with brown hair .
13 This was contrary to the opinion of the world and society which thought of him as a boffin .
14 His admirers think of him as a national treasure , rather like the works of art of which he is Congress 's most passionate defender .
15 As you will have guessed , my attitude towards him changed , so that when the frank speaking happened that day it was in the context of love and acceptance of him as a person .
16 She kinda thought of him as a poet , and I think he loved her for that .
17 Rees-Mogg went about his business conscientiously and with a good degree of enthusiasm , and while it is hard to think of him as a representative of the common man , sheer assiduousness probably bridged the gulf between the housing estates of suburbia and the Old Rectory , Hinton Blewitt .
18 The shopkeeper who berated the regime for its brylcream policy accepted its definition of him as a capitalist , an entrepreneur : that did not seem justified by any sensible criterion of capitalism .
19 Although it is impossible to think of him as a Londoner , this move began a lifelong association with the capital to which he returned every year for a few months , even after he had given up all thoughts of making it his permanent home .
20 She thought of him as a drug-running tyrant .
21 The popular image of him as a laconic , amiable figure is not entirely accurate .
22 His pattern of personal leadership , as revealed by the Cabinet committees he chose to chair himself , reinforces the standard interpretation of him as a man more at ease with overseas than with domestic policy .
23 It was difficult to remember that I had ever thought of him as a schoolboy .
24 If on the other hand he also had some burning when he passed a motion , his feet burned at night and his eyes were dry and burning , then it is clear that the sensation of ‘ burning ’ runs throughout many areas of the person 's body and so becomes characteristic of him as a whole , that is , it becomes General .
25 Kelly no longer thought of him as a steward , a central player in the racing game , but as someone who seemed to understand her better than anyone ever had , apart from her father .
26 Dalgliesh thought of him as a type of police officer less common than formerly but still not rare ; the conscientious and incorruptible detective of limited imagination and somewhat greater intelligence who had never supposed that the evil of the world should be condoned because it was frequently inexplicable and its perpetrators unfortunate .
27 As John struggles to find another plectrum , I mention that I 'd always thought of him as a fingerstyle player …
28 I have not met the one in possession of my estate , and maybe never will , but I like to think of him as a kindly , white-haired old gentleman with a twinkle in his eye and a bag of humbugs for passing children , a man who has seen the troubles of the world but who remains untainted .
29 ‘ We invited him to appear and talk us through some film of him as a boy , and he did n't know she was going to be there .
30 It was as if he were preparing for the day he would be a big man himself in this town and wanted everyone on his side , wanted them all to think of him as a customer .
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