Example sentences of "of a [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now the Boston Museum of Fine Arts , struggling to service debt on its 1980s expansions , is staggering under the weight of a nearly $5 million deficit .
2 All that you require is a separate breeding tank , facilities to provide live foods of a small-enough size for the new fry , some high protein fry foods , various nets , egg disinfectants , and sundries .
3 As an illustration of what appears to be the inevitable result of a strongly objectivist analysis which presupposes its equal relevance for all commodity forms , there follows a brief summary of the trajectory taken by one of the more sustained attempts to focus on the commodity as the central object of research , by the French social theorist Baudrillard .
4 The 1930s saw the beginning of the development of a primarily student/intellectual sub-culture in which Marxism gradually became the prevalent ideology .
5 Philippe Barbe is in the happy position of being able to spend much of the year aboard his yacht and Speedy-Go therefore bears the hallmarks of a largely liveaboard yacht : accommodation with the accent on comfort , a state-of-the-art navigatorium and a galley of industrial aspect from which excellent meals regularly emerge .
6 Accounting for the use of this form in any context will always imply relating the particular meaning actualized in the context to the permanent potential significate postulated for it in tongue , and will consequently involve : ( 1 ) showing that the common denominator of a before/after sequence is present ( the constant element evoked by to ) , and ( 2 ) showing how the speaker has fit the particular experience he is talking about into this potential by intercepting the operation of actualizing it at the appropriate moment ( the variable element expressed by to ) .
7 As for the bare infinitive , its use will be explained in terms of the absence of a before/after sequence between the event denoted by the full verb and that denoted by the infinitive .
8 The use of the bare infinitive after have in its " passive experience " sense can therefore be explained by the absence of a before/after relation between the passive experiencing ( denoted by have ) and the event which is experienced ( expressed by the infinitive ) .
9 Sentence ( 14 ) above can therefore be diagrammed in the following way : As for the presence of a before/after relation , the impression that comes through constantly with the use of to is that the infinitive event is depicted as a consequence or result of the action of helping .
10 The notion of absence of a before/after relation between the bare infinitive and the verb to which it is incident can be applied quite readily to its use with auxiliary do , if one takes into account the peculiar nature of auxiliaries .
11 A large and angry group of people hurled beer bottles and cans at East German border guards at the Checkpoint Charlie crossing point on Saturday and tore down parts of a newly metal fence in protest .
12 In the first of a bi-monthly series on continuing professional development , Norman Roberts puts the RIBA 's approach in the context of other professions
13 My own study is indebted to Fanon 's analysis of how discrimination is internalized psychically and perpetuated socially between subordinated groups , classes , and races — what , in relation to the latter , he calls ‘ the racial distribution of guilt ’ ( Black Skin , 103 ) ; also to his realization of the way the demonizing of the other is , above all , a mercurial process of displacement and condensation , so fluid yet always with effects of a brutally material , actually violent kind .
14 There are 30 such double bonds in the fullerene football but binding of a bis diethylphosphineplatinum group ( because of their steric bulk ) to one of these protects its four nearest neighbours from further attack .
15 The time -energy uncertainty relation can be used to give a " folksy " account of a characteristically quantum mechanical phenomenon — tunnelling .
16 He was the first member of a chiefly family to be sent abroad to study , in Australia and New Zealand .
17 I am aware , as we all are , that activities of a potentially terrorist nature occur in the Republic of Ireland .
18 A major subsidence feature is the Salton Sea trough , an excellent example of a pull-apart basin .
19 John Paul 's pontificate may then appear as , in part , aberration , while a pluralist Catholic Christianity will be revealed as not only heir to the central religious tradition of the West , but as able to respond without losing its core identity to the needs both of a truly world Church and of the ongoing transformation of human consciousness and intellectual understanding .
20 However , and dimers are twisted out of a purely cis arrangement due to steric hindrance ( Fig. 2 ) .
21 To rid themselves of a purely intelligentsia base the party united with the Moscow Federation of Labour in 1991 and became the Party of Labour .
22 But the NATO council would deal with any use of a purely NATO Reaction Force .
23 Evidence of a successful Iraqi military offensive against Kurdish rebels emerged in late March shortly after the suppression of a mainly Shia uprising in the south [ see pp. 38081-82 ] .
24 Using profit maximising analyses and based on a model of a mainly cereal farm in the eastern counties he has calculated the likely impact of various assumed changes in the economics of farming .
25 This preoccupation with formal assessment is linked to the unique importance of a highly specialist 18+ examination ( A level in England : the Scottish system is less extreme ) which is also an instrument of selection for higher education .
26 Called the African Publishing Network ( APNET ) , the network is primarily geared towards providing information and assistance for African publishers through the publication of a bimonthly newsletter .
27 Arrange the strawberries , grapes , and peach in the base of an approximately 900ml ( 1½ pint ) souffle dish or 4 individual ramekin dishes .
28 Another fashion figure of an altogether kind is the exquisitely entertaining and stylish C.Z. Guest .
29 Her complexion was pink and white and her eyes were very wide and of an astonishingly china blue hue .
30 Some shipowners proved particularly receptive to a suggestion that their craft employ a technique used during the Second World War by British aircraft to confuse enemy radar and later influenced by the Royal Navy 's experience in the Falklands campaign : tankers were supplied with equipment to discharge clouds of aluminium chaff at the approach of an AS missile like Exocet , in order to divert it .
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