Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun] show " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , by the way — how did you get hold of my ring to show Miss Harker ? ’
2 At first he thought I was mad , but when I took the live animals out of my pocket to show him , he believed me .
3 Neither of my children showed the merest inclination to follow me into journalism or television .
4 ‘ One of my pictures showed him hugging both little girls in the pool .
5 The directors , who met weekly , acted as a house committee , and the minutes of their meetings show them to have been diligent in pursuing the objectives set out in the preamble to the Act of Parliament which had brought them into existence .
6 I too will treat this group of writers as ‘ structuralists ’ and look at some aspects of their work to show how it has created an object for analysis that is relevant to the empirical tasks of the sociology of knowledge .
7 After the Cabinet reshuffle in July 1989 and her press office 's rubbishing of the significance of the title deputy prime minister for Geoffrey Howe , Conservative back-benchers went out of their way to show their support for Sir Geoffrey Howe in the House of Commons .
8 Descriptions of their behaviour show how many of the characteristics which are considered natural or essentially human are not instinctive but learnt , indicating the necessity of human contact and care for the development of social behaviour and for the development of fundamental human faculties .
9 American children whose mothers were called up during last year 's Gulf War felt they had been abandoned , an in-depth study of their feelings showed .
10 I wondered if it was responsible for the quiet acceptance of their fate shown by the rabbits chewing their final greenery .
11 After a long descent the shaft widened a little , and the light of their torches showed them the interior of the mine , the southern end of the tunnellings .
12 It does not give an example of how revenue expenditure is allocated down to Regions , Districts and Units , and the ‘ before and after ’ cases of their allocations showing the impact of capital charges , and how they will change when Districts or Units actually increase or decrease their employment of fixed assets .
13 An analysis of their replies showed clearly that the great majority of them came from what are traditionally considered ‘ middle class ’ occupational groups , and that academics , students , and retired people ( the majority of whom were retired professionals ) accounted for just under half of all visitors .
14 One of their posters shows refugees in Balkan head-scarves , with words implying that Balkan tragedies could happen in Switzerland too .
15 In this strongly Islamic culture , women may only appear in public draped from head to toe in heavy black robes , with no part of their face showing , except their eyes .
16 We analysed minimum blood flow values because of their potential to show the presence of focally ischaemic areas , but found a large overlap between Crohn 's disease and control patients .
17 The judge who jailed both father and son for their outburst in court over the sentencing of the man who killed a member of their family showed no compassion .
18 Most of their examples show the activation of a single word or a short phrase .
19 Lizards which lost two thirds or more of the length of their tails showed a significant decline in dominance .
20 Apart from some of its bones showing , it could have been some alien kind of embryo .
21 On one of the islands he saw a shaggy water rat ; he shouted at it and it slid into the water and swam away with only the top of its head showing .
22 The latest survey of its members shows that , nationally , sales during April — compared with April last year — were 1.9 per cent up .
23 A delightfully frank account of its development shows some of the less scientific problems of discovery .
24 It had an old wound on one exposed shoulder , and the lenses of its eyes showed milky white .
25 She was large , and low in the water , and the size of her guns showed quite clearly , as did the red and white flag of St George , glinting in occasional sunlight below a cloud ceiling harried by blustering wind .
26 John was not there , but the light of her candle showed the signs of his visit ; the cut pie , the crumbs on the table , the pickle barrel and the sticky wooden ladle beside it .
27 The hands applying the leaves to her skin were still now , resting just where the swell of her breasts showed above the low neckline of her blouse .
28 If she works in a shop or office , she could take samples of her work to show her colleagues or she could offer to make a garment for a friend for just the price of the yarn .
29 She may be listed somewhere among missing persons and no search have begun for her because the manner of her life showed that occasional apparent disappearances were not unusual .
30 But when there was no retort from her granddaughter , she turned her head and looked at the young woman lying with her back against the head of the couch , her eyes closed , the muscles of her jaws showing white through the skin , and , her tone changing , she enquired , ‘ What is it , dear ?
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