Example sentences of "of [subord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and , it 's but then it 's a question of where a woman a woman could , but you know is it that easy to jump out cultural you know cultural investment provided by that and er you know y y y you
2 Death being a fairly serious matter , a body can not be disposed of until a doctor 's certificate as to cause of death has been received by the registrar .
3 The committee resolved that as soon as the inventory was complete , such articles afterwards considered useless should not be disposed of until the committee itself had dealt with the matter .
4 If the War Altar is destroyed of if the Theogonist leaves it he is dealt no magic cards , and will not be able to cast spells .
5 There is then a pause , followed by one of the following messages : — and possibly one of if the H strip message has appeared .
6 was convicted on the murder of after the judge ruled that a statement to the police was admissible .
7 Under pressure from professional and voluntary organisations during the debates on the Bill , the government was forced to tackle the question of whether every child could indeed follow the National Curriculum .
8 This progress occurs regardless of whether a child shows emotional and behavioural disturbance .
9 When SBUs reach the last phase of their life-cycle ( irrespective of whether a cost-leadership or differentiated-product strategy is being employed ) , there are still further options available which will need to be understood by the accountant in order to ensure that all options are considered and relevant financial profiles selected .
10 There is the issue of whether a household 's resources really are shared equally between husbands and wives .
11 In deciding the scope of a " fair comment " plea and the degree of interpretative sophistication to bring to bear on the question of whether a passage is " comment " or " fact " , the court should have regard to the constitutional importance of the " fair comment " defence as a protection for freedom of expression .
12 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
13 The determination of whether a capital instrument represents a liability is based on whether it contains an obligation for the issuer to transfer economic benefits ( paragraph 21 ) .
14 These studies independently suggested that , irrespective of whether a company is more or less integrated in structure , different levels of the organization have distinct roles in investment decision-making .
15 In the end , the question of whether a function is a public one is a political question which may not always be answered in the same way .
16 The test of whether a surface needs disinfection can be made by applying the definition to a working situation .
17 Irrespective of whether a hotel is small , medium or large the basic work of the reception office is the same , selling accommodation , receiving and welcoming guests , maintaining accounting and other records , liaison with all other departments within the hotel and integrating all activities relating to the service and comfort of the guests .
18 Given the presence of circulating antibodies in at least some of our patients ( for example anti-A and anti-B in blood group O patients ) this study raises the question of whether a change in cell surface antigens , presumably in the form of one or more carbohydrate epitopes affecting both colon and liver , plays a part in the pathogenesis of this condition .
19 The issue of whether a church represents a significant body of opinion is a matter for the decision of the licensing board .
20 Nonetheless , he had clearly purported to pose the question of whether a caution was required , but had not answered it .
21 Much more controversy has been generated by the question of whether a mistake also qualifies as a reason , and , more particularly , how serious the mistake has to be .
22 It is necessary before undertaking an analysis of whether a restraint in a particular case is reasonable to decide whether in the first place the doctrine has any part to play .
23 The nub of the question as to whether feminism is compatible with Christianity is that of whether a Christology can be found of which it may be said that at least it is not incompatible with feminism .
24 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
25 The external assessors would have responsibility for reporting their opinion of whether a board of directors had fulfilled for stewardship responsibilities outlined in the first proposal listed here .
26 Paragraphs ( c ) , ( e ) and ( f ) deal with the question of whether a direction would be " equitable " .
27 The main concern with cash is to ensure that the method and arrangements for payment are clearly stated in the sale agreement and that the purchaser has adequate notice of whether a banker 's draft or telegraphic transfer is required .
28 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
29 The question of whether a decision was ‘ legal or not ’ is sometimes put in terms of whether it was made ‘ within or without jurisdiction ’ or whether it is ‘ intra vires or ultra vires ’ ( that is , literally , ‘ within or beyond power ’ ) .
30 The House did not , unfortunately , deal with the question of whether a claim framed as a loss of chance claim was acceptable .
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