Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 Wally was awarded the job for his bravery in receiving extensive brain surgery after years of concussing himself on the crossbar .
2 He wants to talk about The Miser , so you persist with that line of questioning in the hope of drawing him on other aspects of his career .
3 ‘ I was sick of seeing myself on television , so I thought the poor public , how are they going to cope .
4 ‘ Listen , Dan , Kate 's sick of seeing you on that settee .
5 This , presumably , is because they make the journey at very great depths , far below the reach of drift nets or trawls and since they are no longer feeding there is little chance of catching them on baited hooks or in traps .
6 Allowance of the defence of truth , with the burden of proving it on the defendant , does not mean that only false speech will be deterred .
7 Have you ever thought of knitting them on a larger scale ?
8 The rationale here is colourfully illustrated by Lord Ellenborough 's dictum in Gardiner v Gray ( 1815 ) 4 Camp 144 to the effect that a person does not buy goods simply for the pleasure of depositing them on a dunghill .
9 Most British people and publications I am acquainted with are quite proud of their command of the English language and engage in quite a lot of patting themselves on the back .
10 Partly in the hope of keeping himself on the straight and narrow — you 'd be surprised how many gay men do that — and partly because he thought it would do his career a bit of good .
11 I see now that it was just his way of keeping me on my mettle and making sure I did n't get big-headed .
12 Erm , yeah Mrs she sort of has the power over level erm if she she sort of , it 's like she 's sort of keeping her on this level in the same household as her
13 But as he adapts to his new environment , Freddie 's proving himself to be a survivor capable of keeping everyone on the hop .
14 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
15 I would n't dream of foisting myself on you .
16 ‘ It was a fifty-fifty chance of saving someone on the verge of death , ’ one source close to the surgeons said .
17 He had the faculty of meeting everyone on the level , and Father had a story of seeing him at a political meeting , which he was probably chairing , walking arm in arm with the Grand Old Man himself , both talking .
18 As far as chartered accountant trainees are concerned , Mr Jones argues , ‘ you have all the aggravation of training them on high salaries and the disruption to a small office with their going off for long periods of study leave , and at the end you do n't keep them .
19 Nevertheless , Mr. Pybus , the Minister of Transport , announced in February 1932 , that the London Transport Bill was dead and he had no intention of forcing it on an unwilling House of Commons .
20 If , however , they want to say that their property should be in the band below , it will be a simple matter of testing it on appeal .
21 On 10 May 1794 , Huntingford wrote to the Speaker of the House of Commons ( who had himself been elected a vice-president of the College ) as follows : ‘ Honble Sir , I should not have taken the liberty of troubling you on the subject of the Veterinary College did not the recent business of Wm Stone who stands charged with High Treason prove the cause of his exerting himself to my prejudice in favor of M Vial the late Professor , to be that he might establish a French Connection in that Institution in order that he might through the channel carry on his correspondence with the enemy .
22 Using sharp needles and ink , they were in the act of tattooing something on the girl 's back .
23 Two centuries later , the Enlightenment returns : but not at all as a way for the West to take cognizance of its present possibilities and of the liberties to which it can have access , but as a way of interrogating it on its limits and on the powers which it has abused .
24 With close colleagues there is more chance of explaining the best way of ‘ making it easy for them ’ , of getting them on your side as allies .
25 I mean they they would go right through the process of buying something on credit , and it would be fine until it got to , Erm where do you live .
26 ‘ Yes , he had a habit of propping himself on that stool in front of a picture and it must have gone over with him .
27 He fumbled and humped and heaved and never mastered the art of supporting himself on his elbows so she would arrive home quite squashed and breathless ; which was only appropriate .
28 He completed it about the end of 1839 , and quickly mastered the art of riding it on the rough country roads , so that he was soon accustomed to making the fourteen-mile journey to Dumfries in less than an hour .
29 He would be oblivious to everything for weeks on end , then had short bursts of punishing anyone on sight for reasons like opening your eyes when waking up .
30 Well I mean I know that twenty percent is twenty pound in a hundred , but what 's a quick way of doing it on the calculator .
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