Example sentences of "of [det] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From this converted shed next to the pub , he 's producing ninety gallons of each a week .
2 On top of that a percentage is added to cover the chemists ' overheads and profit .
3 Senses ( b ) and ( c ) however can both be treated in terms of the notion of " passively experiencing " some event , with ( b ) implying on top of that a refusal to stand by passively and let someone do something without intervening .
4 There the warden arrested him , imprisoned him in his gaol at Allexton , and afterwards released him for a fine of half a mark .
5 A hutch containing four mature working ferrets should have not less than 1 lb ( 450g ) of fresh meat daily — that 's the equivalent of half a rabbit .
6 But she was the first in recent memory — for Gentle the past had a way of evaporating after about ten years — who had conspired to remove everything from him in the space of half a day .
7 The introduction of a trading lag of half a day reduced , but did not eliminate , these arbitrage profits .
8 There are also some local variations in the measurements and because of this reliable detection of growth over a period of half a day seems unlikely .
9 1 seminar of half a day or 1 day
10 People see advertisements out of the corner of their eye as they drive along a road or look through a newspaper or magazine ; they catch a glimpse of half a TV commercial round their wives ' or husbands ' broad backsides as the biscuits are brought in during a commercial break .
11 Even though Matthew seems to exaggerate in talking of half a hundredweight of flour , the principle of yeast increasing the size of dough still stands .
12 Usually wind-blown , they fill pockets among coarser rubble , or on a larger scale cover many hectares of flat ground to depths of half a metre or more , firm and sometimes consolidated .
13 The only surviving group of such installations can be explored at Curry Mallet near Taunton , Somerset , where three large gun emplacements with three-foot-thick concrete walls were built to house six-pounder anti-tank guns with a range of half a mile .
14 Overall , in Britain , more than one in three of all journeys are made door-to-door on foot and pedestrian journeys of half a mile or less make up one-sixth of total personal transport demand .
15 Astronomers can observe this happening because of the emission of infra-red energy , with dense clouds collapsing in on themselves at a rate of half a mile per second .
16 At the other end , a court refused to enforce a six-month restraint against a Mayfair hairdresser , extending for a radius of half a mile .
17 Sailplanes are often launched by means of half a mile or so of wire , reeled in by a winch .
18 THE PURCHASE OF half a mile of track by Avon Valley Railway members signals the start of the railway 's long awaited southern extension and the hope that passengers will be able to steam towards Bath during the second half of 1993 .
19 Under the supervision of ‘ Nobby ’ Clarke , many younger visitors and adults enjoy the long ride of half a mile alongside the standard gauge platforms .
20 The paper published photographs , taken by Crowe , from a distance of half a mile , that purported to be of a topless Trevor and a scantily overcoated Yvonne sucking toes on the lawn of Proby 's Thornham Bridge hacienda .
21 So long as we 're talking about sort of half a mile away ma maximum or with other sort of proper travelling arrangements .
22 So a 20-storey building has a period of about 2 seconds , a natural frequency of 0.5 hertz ; a five-storey building has a period of half a second , a natural frequency of 2 hertz .
23 The Electrophone Company paid the Postmaster-General an annual sum of £25 plus a royalty of half a crown ( 1212p ) a year for each subscriber .
24 " Take as much lean of boiled ham as you please , and half the quantity of fat , cut it as thin as possible , beat it very fine in a mortar , with a little oiled butter , beaten mace , pepper and salt , pot part of it into a china pot , then beat the white part of a fowl with a very little seasoning ; it is to qualify the ham , put a lay of chicken , then one of ham , then chicken at the top , press it hard down , and when it is cold , pour clarified butter over it ; when you send it to the table cut out a thin slice in the form of half a diamond , and lay it round the edge of your pot . "
25 Apparently she had the equivalent of half a tablet .
26 A gap of half a century is undeniably a lengthy one , but to guests in the reborn Langham , it may well seem as if time has stood still .
27 He was , in fact , for the best part of half a century the closest link between English artists and their French contemporaries .
28 For upwards of half a century , the world economy was a misnomer .
29 The same kind of escape ( or enlargement , if you look at the process in a favourable light ) is allowed for in a discussion of half a century ago in which the thesis that all novels contributed to a sense of escape from the artificial complexities of civilisation was turned to a commercial purpose .
30 The influence of this view is clearly reflected in the works of the two thirteenth-century Dominican friars , Raymond of Peñafort and Thomas Aquinas , who , over a period of half a century , set out what was to become the orthodox justification of certain wars , the ‘ just ’ wars , as we term them .
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