Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The following morning we were up at 3.00am , accepted slices of bread and jam and joined the line of headtorches walking up the glacier .
2 LIVERPOOL 'S Patent Office , with records of inventions dating back to 1617 , is raising its profile among businesses as a valuable source of research and development material .
3 In view of the vast size of Siberia , the relatively small numbers of Russians operating there in the seventeenth century , and the difficulty of carrying out a census of a mobile population , it seems likely that these figures somewhat underestimate the number of indigenous Siberians before the Russian conquest .
4 I remind him that there are examples of states coming together — as they have done in the Common Market — but then having to co-exist so closely that they can not stand the sight of one another and begin to fall apart .
5 A pride of lions hunting down a prey animal , such as a zebra , is one of nature 's more awesome spectacles .
6 The small ones show mythological scenes , but from the temples are several groups of lions pulling down bulls : terror-symbols analogous to the Gorgons and leopards at Corfu .
7 The pediment showed a rather stilted composition : a frontal chariot , probably an epiphany of the god , flanked by kouroi and korai , groups of lions pulling down stags in the corners .
8 In a confidential report he reviewed the properties of steels containing upward of 5 per cent chromium , and concluded that steels containing over 10 per cent chromium should be investigated .
9 In France , A. M. G. R. Portevin , working with de Dion-Bouton , noted in a report to the Carnegie Foundation ( 1909 ) the corrosion resistance of steels containing more than 10 per cent chromium and subsequently described thermal treatment ( patented May 1911 ) to make them amenable to standard milling processes .
10 It also establishesa system for the review and clearance of products containing genetically modified organisms so that conditions can be established for their marketing . ’
11 Thus the finding of a series of coins terminating in about 150 BC could not be used as evidence that the occupation of a site ceased in about that year , for even if occupation had continued for another hundred years , no other coins would have been available to be used and lost .
12 Such a theory would have to be based on the equations of fluid motion instead of those of the dynamics of molecules interacting only through elastic collisions .
13 Then I suddenly found I had quite a lot of projects going on , working for Kenny Rogers and Jimmy Ruffin …
14 As a matter of principle , the bank in such circumstances should not be entitled to rely on the transaction and this is the view which has been taken by a series of authorities going back to the beginning of this century .
15 They are the largest firm of solicitors operating solely in Surrey .
16 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
17 It is this existence of policies determining most everyday practice in a department that provides the most crucial group of constraints for a new minister .
18 So we might expect there to be a , a set of policies coming in to , to ease the creation of that inequality .
19 Mary would work like a slave , but a woman could not take the animals to market , though he knew of widows living alone , soldiers ' wives mostly , who farmed on in a rough way by themselves , their cattle straying and mixing with the herds of others , their oats still standing in November …
20 Debate in the Supreme Soviet began on Sept. 17 , with a view to taking a final vote on Sept. 21 , but in the event the vote had to be abandoned for lack of a quorum , a number of deputies having apparently boycotted the session deliberately in order to force a postponement .
21 By the end of the century , a pattern emerged through Europe of societies of artists breaking away from official organisations , creating seceding groups , of which one in Austria adopted the word as a title , Sezession .
22 A hydraulic ram was used to open these gates by means of chains passing over pulleys on the lintel of the frame , giving a velocity ration of 3 to 1 .
23 Cases abound under Commonwealth common law systems of courts striking down as ultra vires a constitution , Acts of a legislature .
24 The fellow grinned , his yellow stumps of teeth shining garishly in the poor light .
25 Okay Leslie , thank you , a lot of calls coming through on this one .
26 A lot of calls coming through on this .
27 Local races that produce the cyclists of the Low Countries are characteristically kermesses , a large and mixed bunch of riders chasing round a small town-and-country circuit : all very physical , and without much time or inclination for tactics .
28 Probably more than half of the two million living species of invertebrates making up this proportion live in the seas covering our planet , and perhaps half of these are found in the tropical waters from where aquarium subjects are collected .
29 Through the village , the road into Barbondale rises sharply before contouring for a level mile along the side of Barbon Low Fell , new plantings of conifers permitting only glimpses of Barbon Manor high on the left .
30 Well really that 's l by and large what groups is all about so it 's clearly that they do and there 's some cases here of sort of cyclists cycling harder and faster when they 've got they 're training with other cyclists or erm when they 're training against the clock .
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