Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Over 150 states are now parties to these conventions — by far the highest number of states parties to any laws-of-war agreements .
2 It is important to note that for a variety of reasons clauses of this kind have been heavily criticized .
3 For railway employment was notably hierarchical , with as finely graded a sense of status as any group of below-stairs servants in a great Victorian country house .
4 Art Deco , another Salon de Mars strong point , will also be on show on six stands , including that of first-timers Couvrat-Desvergnes from Paris .
5 News of Venables ' defeat was greeted with fury by hundreds of Spurs fans outside court , amid pledges that they would picket matches to discourage other supporters , until he was reinstated .
6 The judge said Mr Sugar had been ‘ sufficiently scarred ’ by the vilification and abuse of Spurs fans outside the court .
7 Apollinaire describes Picasso 's method of work in this way : ‘ Using planes to render volumes , Picasso enumerates the different elements composing objects in such a complete and penetrating manner that they only assume the aspect of objects thanks to the spectators ’ efforts , who are of necessity aware of their simultaneity , precisely because of their arrangement .
8 Rather , it is entirely by virtue of the sign in question that we distinguish a class of objects trees from other objects such as bushes , etc .
9 A thin blade with a high number of teeth results in a very smooth cut .
10 A survey last year showed 51pc of personnel managers in favour of a minimum wage .
11 He was then persuaded to stay only by a last-minute promise of personnel changes at the top , but even senior Communist Party advisers had no idea how high-level these changes had been .
12 There have been a lot of personnel changes at Oxford Cheetahs in the closed season .
13 The type of computer system used is very much a secondary consideration , and will depend upon such considerations as : enterprise size/number of employees number of physical locations range of personnel applications to be attempted whether enterprise is growing , contracting , static supply of computer professionals available budget available What is certain is that the personnel function needs a shared information system .
14 These were the introduction of majority verdicts to avoid the necessity for new trials when juries could not reach unanimous verdicts , and the extension of firearms certificates to shotguns .
15 The organizing secretary of the Popular Front , Maj. Arsène Ye Bognessan , said that the formation of grass-roots structures in the country would have to wait until late 1990 or 1991 when elections would be held .
16 A report has condemned the state of prisoners rooms at a low security gaol .
17 In the vast majority of cases contracts of the type discussed do not result in litigation .
18 Presidential support scores are compiled by calculating the number of times members of Congress vote in a way preferred by the president , even though he may not have proposed the measure in question .
19 Lois Lane , manageress of the Fenham Fund , has no views about the general level of futures prices for the commodities she is considering trading , but does have a view about relative price movements , in that she expects the price of kryptonite futures to rise relative to that of phlogiston futures .
20 Using transactions data from January 1984 to September 1988 , the following regression equation was separately estimated for each of ten futures contracts : where V is the implied standard deviation of futures prices at time t , M t is the number of days to maturity , F t is the futures prices at time t and Ε is a disturbance term .
21 Similar relationships hold for cycles of futures contracts with different delivery dates , as shown in Fig. 8.2 .
22 A similar relationship holds between the prices of futures contracts with different delivery months : where P f 1 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 1 , P f 2 = current price of futures contract with delivery in year T 2 ( T 1 < T 2 ) .
23 Thus the main business of futures exchanges outside the US , which were not the first movers into the global markets , is in contracts for local bonds and share indexes .
24 The need to change the law has been an important source of delay in the establishment of futures exchanges in several countries .
25 Clearly , the development of futures markets in such countries has to wait until futures contracts are legally enforceable .
26 In the context of futures trades on recognised or designated investment exchanges , money received by a member firm must often be passed on to an intermediate broker or to the exchange or clearing house concerned where it will be combined in an account with funds attributable to other clients .
27 Although there is evidence for a great growth in lay piety in England there was no equivalent to the free association of mulieres sanctae on the Continent .
28 It is surprising that the Institute did not address the needs of accounts users in more depth .
29 If the meaning of attitudes changes as the rhetorical context changes , then it is necessary to take a historical perspective to note changes over time .
30 A flock of seabirds lands in our garden , a hundred miles from the coast , and we call it ‘ curious ’ .
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