Example sentences of "of [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is just one example of the many that could be quoted to emphasize the importance of shape in biological systems .
2 He told Sharpe his patrol was one of the many that daily scouted south to the French border and beyond ; this particular troop had been ordered to explore the villages south and east of Mons down as far as the Sambre , but not to encroach on Prussian territory .
3 Although they are welcome as an attempt to rationalise clinical practice , we believe the bulletin and leading article to be greatly misleading in implying an overperformance of surgery since it starts from the premise that grommet insertion is performed predominantly for hearing loss , which represents only one debilitating symptom of the many that glue ear may produce .
4 F/L Selwyn Alcock was a pilot with 83 ( PFF ) Squadron , he was never famous , never a national hero , just one of the many that came from obscurity and passed into oblivion .
5 Most notably , ensuring that a few do not profit at the expense of the many and limiting foreign control of the economy are important concerns in Hungary , and will no doubt influence the law .
6 Member States refused to meet the claims of the many and various creditors , third parties to the International Tin Agreement .
7 Armed with these and other detailed structural pictures , we may at last be able to get a handle on some of the many and complex eukaryotic transcriptional control mechanisms at the molecular level .
8 The Board will increase its range of awards in response to the requirements of the many and diverse markets which we serve .
9 In spite of the many and exciting changes that are likely to take place with regard to syllabuses , teaching and learning methods , examining and employer support , a major source of student feedback will be tutors ' comments on the tests submitted to them .
10 In briefing senior managers about appearing on television , for example , attention must be paid to many of the aspects of communication which have been considered in this assignment — the importance of appearance and hair style , the use of non-verbal language , choice of words , tone , pauses and so on : some of the many and complex elements that combine as part of what we call ‘ communication ’ .
11 She watched him sprawl in a cane chair on the terrace , light a cigar , and pick up a book , uncaring of the many and varied insects homing in on the light above him .
12 He was entirely comfortable with the predictable opinion of the Senior Chief Inspector of Schools who confessed that ‘ I am not much moved by what appears to sacrifice the interests of the few in favour of the many when one result is certain to be that the quality of the person required to fill posts of great importance and of a highly specialized nature is likely to be degraded . ’
13 Graham Greene sarcastically remarked of the latter that ‘ Both the director and the star seem to labour under the impression that they are producing something important ’ , and the film 's success was enough to assure Wilcox that Hungarian naughtiness should give way to solemn patriotism .
14 It was the plumbing of the latter that required some thought .
15 SIGNIFIED ( myth ) and it is the elucidation of the latter that his analysis aims at .
16 Perhaps his most popular work , the Turangalîla-symphonie , was a commission from Koussevitzky , fusing his rich and instantly identifiable harmonic language with complex Hindu rhythms : it was his study of the latter that led to his formulation of ‘ total ’ serialism , first seen in his Studies in Rhythm of 1949 .
17 Conflict between the COS and the evangelicals was almost inevitable given the view of the latter that any soul was worthy of salvation .
18 He makes it clear in the dedication of the latter that voices and instruments were to be used now together , now separately ( ‘ per vocum et instrumentorum melodiam , tam conjuncte quam divisim ’ ) but not at all clear how this was to be done .
19 It is on behalf of the latter that we should have had an opportunity of voting in Committee , which we were denied , and that we should have an opportunity tonight to vote in the House .
20 But finished goods generally have a much higher value to weight ratio than do raw materials , and accordingly it was on the transit costs of the latter that canals had their most marked effect .
21 The former take little account of the latter although much of the HMI 's thinking has become known over the same period i.e. the late 1970s and early 1980s .
22 Nelson 's experience was of an organisation that had its regular human share of good soldiers , time-servers , wasters , whiners , climbers , saints , piss-heads and heroes ; and when the pressure was on , probably more of the latter than it was fair to expect .
23 The former group is a subset of the latter since if outputs and prices are sustainable to " ultrafree " entry they will definitely be sustainable to less than free entry .
24 Only after he had left is he free , in the absence of express restraint , to make use of the latter though never the former .
25 It is in both the firm 's and the consumer s interests that this is for some extended period : in the case of the latter because search costs ( presumably ) are finite and so will not be worth incurring if there is only some probability of finding low prices , unless the benefits are substantial .
26 I think it is helpful to think of the latter as debtor ( creditor-supplier ) agreements since this emphasizes the fact that in such agreements there is some connection between the creditor and the supplier : either they are the same person eg in the credit-sale , conditional sale , of HP agreement ; or there are business arrangements between them .
27 Its characterisation as ‘ slow journalism ’ , or the view of the latter as instant sociology , are both apt .
28 If , as is sometimes done , things are assimilated to events , we can speak of particulars as events , and of the latter as being " temporal " in the sense that every event exhibits a pattern of change in some direction , and can be said to occur simultaneously with , or before , or after , some other event .
29 A further contrast , as I have indicated , may be drawn between the political systems of ‘ developed ’ and ‘ underdeveloped ’ societies , often in terms of the instability of the latter as compared with the former ( Huntington , 1968 ) ; an instability which manifests itself partly in the frequency of military coups and the prevalence of military regimes in the non-industrial countries .
30 Explosives were found in nearly all of the latter and there had been twenty fires in them between 1 November and 26 December 1921 .
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