Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A part of the chromosome which has no genes and by which the chromosome becomes attached to the spindle .
2 Ths implies that an ancestral duplication event occurred during the recent evolution of the chromosome which encompassed a ZNF gene cluster in a region of at least several tens of kb .
3 The salesman I approached was in his early forties and begrudgingly admitted that he had a fair knowledge of the wordprocessor we use .
4 In the mouth of the alley he holds them back .
5 At the end of the alley he looks both ways and signals me out .
6 At the end of the alley I paused , waiting , but all I saw was the end of a nose which quietly withdrew as I stood there .
7 One of the hypotheses which will be tested is that comprehension of the logical character of ‘ mental state verbs ’ is necessary for understanding that some sentences are true in virtue of their form alone ( eg ‘ The father is a man ’ ) .
8 The mature reader , of whatever age , takes liberties with the text : ‘ Proficient readers can go directly to the meaning of the passage being read , only sampling the print for confirmation of the hypotheses they have made about the meaning intended by the author .
9 One of the hypotheses I was considering was that during REM sleep ( and therefore during REM sleep dreams ) the entire memory system is accessible — none of the inhibitions present during wakeful life are active , and new memories can be fitted in to the appropriate cognitive structures during REM sleep .
10 When Jean returned from the Ladies there was no sign of either of them , for at the end of the dance they had slipped unnoticed out of one of the wide-open fire exits and around the back of the hall where only courting couples went .
11 The logic of the situation demands intelligent behaviour but the logic is that of the dance itself and does not necessarily serve the original purpose of the dance .
12 Medical experts no longer approve of this method of dieting — largely because of the limits it places on the intake of cereals , fruit and root vegetables .
13 In order to continue our discussion of the linguistic units involved in language comprehension , we will now review some of the experiments which have investigated the storage of spoken and written language in memory .
14 Details of the experiments themselves do not concern us here , but some of the ideas that have emerged from them are of interest because they add further to our understanding of how , looked at from a biological perspective , creativity can be connected to psychosis .
15 If it gave Eva pause for thought it certainly did n't show in any relaxation of the pace she set herself .
16 ‘ We have been waiting for grants but there has been some debate about whether croquet is a sport because of the pace it 's played at . ’
17 Alan Watkins , who was awaiting the arrival of the Chancellor himself , gave Amaranth his approving eye .
18 But I do know that when times were bad , the people in the dale had to use the wool off the backs of the sheep themselves instead of sending it away to the wool merchants of Bradford after shearing .
19 Well , I had noticed that on both front and back doors of the cottage there were stout and serviceable bolts .
20 In the garden of the cottage there was a woman weeding a rose-bed .
21 ‘ If we had stuck away some of the chances we had in the first half then we 'd have won it . ’
22 ‘ We could play the US again tonight , it could go along the same pattern and we would end up winning 4–2 or 5–2 because of the chances we created . ’
23 BUT in some ways it 's hard for Deane because 1 ) he 's under a lot of pressure to score ; 2 ) Wallace is another good striker who gets many of the chances he 'd expect ; 3 ) the rest of the bloody midfield as always in the penalty area scoring goals ! ! ! ! ; - )
24 In keeping open the lines with the past , the redeemed memory carries encouragement and conveys warnings and lessons to faith as faith is engaged in fighting at that front line of the battle which is the present moment .
25 Hence the keen interest in this result and the fierceness of the battle which has been fought here over the last few weeks .
26 At the start of the battle there must be at least two Goblins in the unit to carry a prodder fork , and there must be at least five models in total .
27 Right from the start of the battle you can start inflicting casualties .
28 But he is rarely , if ever , out of the papers which , if they are to be believed , have told of Grunte 's drunken exploits in Parliament and have recounted his talent as a ‘ serial buttocks fondler ’ .
29 Almost all of the papers which cite it use it as an example of how primate behavioural research should not be carried out ] .
30 I have also enclosed a few of the papers I referred to at the beginning of the meeting , plus a travel claim form which you are welcome to use .
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