Example sentences of "of [noun sg] for a " in BNC.

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1 Yet another strategy is to put progress on ‘ hold ’ and stay with your current level of progress for a few weeks until you feel more accustomed to the level and better able to proceed .
2 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
3 The redevelopment of the er derelict factory site into smaller industrial units and making it er a form of want for a better phrase , enterprise zone where thanks to subsidies from the government and the E E C , we will look into making it rate free , reduced rents , etc. , er increase capital allowances for companies going in there so you could attract the needed capital intensive industries that will meet the high tech need that we have the need to have to create high tech jobs .
4 During the ‘ phoney war ’ — the eerie nine months between Chamberlain 's declaration of war and Hitler 's attack in the West — there was a substantial current of support for a negotiated peace .
5 No visible means of support for a perfect frame of clematis montana Rubens
6 The variety of the sources of support for a national scheme of family allowances are an important feature of the story of how the scheme was accepted and implemented .
7 My noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , at pp. 121–122 , also referred to the minister 's speech , although possibly only by way of support for a conclusion he had reached on other grounds .
8 As part of its £11 million programme of support for a wide range of community activities , Barclays Bank has pledged £150,000 between 1989 and 1991 to fund Young National Trust Theatre , a professional Theatre-in-Education company .
9 I should also value , and quickly , advice and a possible letter of support for a particular job application .
10 Alluding to this lack of support for a walkout , Gorbachev in his closing speech to the congress on July 13 insisted : " Those who hoped this congress would be the funeral of the Communist Party have been proved wrong .
11 They were among four Russian boys who travelled to Westonbirt school near Tetbury to meet two Russian girl orphans , who 'll be educated free of change for a year .
12 that there have n't been any forces of change for a thousand years .
13 Loss of self-control in cricket is on a par with evasion of payment for a television licence .
14 On July 11 chemical workers accepted a 35 per cent pay increase and the promise of payment for a " 13th month " in the year .
15 Drawing on an earlier record of municipal activity and labour representation , it was able to consolidate its position at a time of hope for a new future by an active fusion of Labour Party , trade union and cooperative effort .
16 If the Muslims get arms , they believe , any shred of hope for a negotiated settlement would vanish and the world could expect at least one more round of slaughter .
17 Overnight a highly suspect communist renegade was transformed into an eternally youthful dissident communist , a beacon of hope for a generation of young men and women rebelling against the anarchronistic irrelevance of an outmoded educational system and the serial alienation of a post-industrial society .
18 He was very glad to hear Charles was getting so much better — he did n't want his brother 's death on his conscience , he said , and that gave Rachel a lot of hope for a future reconciliation .
19 The average duration of admission for a patient with anorexia nervosa at a specialist unit in Sydney is 62 days ( unpublished data ) , in the UK 96 days , and in New Zealand 64 days .
20 A whirl of oratory for a fortnight .
21 he 's making a lot of noise for a little boy is n't he ?
22 It is fine to stay at this kind of level for a while .
23 Adoption involves the legal transfer of responsibility for a child from its natural parents .
24 The government accused the LTTE of responsibility for a series of horrific massacres of Moslem civilians in the first half of August .
25 Toronto-based CAE Industries Ltd reports that its CAE-Link Corp unit has won a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence for a higher formation battle trainer for the British Army : terms were not disclosed , but CAE-Link will develop , install and maintain a command-and-control trainer to simulate a round-the-clock battle in real time for up to six weeks , creating the battlefield communications flow between the staff being trained , higher headquarters and subordinate unit headquarters ; it will consist of a central server networked to 170 controller and operator stations at two sites in the UK and Germany ; it has to be transportable for use at other training sites .
26 If a Member on one side of the House sought to simulate anger by crossing the floor , punching an opponent on the nose and destroying his paper , would it be a breach of privilege for a court of law to proceed against him ?
27 The prospects of the party improved somewhat with the adoption at the 1937 conference of an ‘ Immediate Programme ’ of nationalisation for a single term of office : this included all the major measures of the post-war Labour government except for iron and steel , which in any case was not to be fundamentally reorganised before the Labour government left office in 1951 .
28 ‘ This is to certify that Color Serjeant William Nicholl served in the 8th ( or The King 's ) Regiment of Foot for a period of Twenty One Years , during which time he has invariably conducted himself as an honest , trustworthy , sober man — Given under my hand at Plymouth , This 4th day of August 1825 , J. Duffy Lf Col Commg 8th or King 's Reg . ’
29 In any event , the judge awarded the whole of his estimate of the increased price which would have been obtained whereas the correct measure of damage for a failure to disclose the material facts was the loss to the plaintiff of the chance of negotiating an increased price if he had had the information .
30 However , these birds have particularly large nostrils , giving them an exceptionally good sense of smell for a bird , and their nests are often putrid .
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