Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 Any substantial quantity of moisture forced out of the cheese when it is subjected to heat may spoil the consistency of a dish , making it watery .
2 Would the great engine of progress run out of steam ?
3 A greatly-respected professional musician was diagnosed as having a poor bump of tune ; a man accorded a large bump of benevolence turned out to be a well known ( and violent ) criminal .
4 In 1982 the Institute of Hydrology carried out trials on the Trannon , and in 1986 was able to come up with a number of constructive lessons to be learned from this sorry story .
5 Flaps of skin grew out of either side of the lower part of the body , helping to guide them through the water .
6 Any tendency to increase the ratio of surface area to weight would help , for example flaps of skin growing out in the angles of joints .
7 She looked grotesque , a little ridiculous , with thin clumps of hair sticking out of her mouth as if she was munching .
8 Therefore , on 13 February 1991 , I tabled a written question : ’ To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many general practitioners in previous years , in complying with his wishes to move to use computers , applied for a grant for the installation of a computer system that was above the figure of payment set out in the published computer cost reimbursement schedule . ’
9 The prohibition of discrimination set out in article 7 of the E.E.C .
10 I accept that the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality does , as the United Kingdom maintains , presuppose the existence of the concept of nationality and that , as the Belgian , Greek and Danish Governments point out , the prohibition of discrimination set out in Articles 7 , 52 and 59 of the E.E.C .
11 ‘ Look mate , ’ replied Sooty , ‘ when you sweep chinmeys for a living , you need plenty of liquor to swill out your guts . ’
12 Even in England , half-inch diameter hail stones are not unknown , and these will smash canopies and ruin the surfaces , causing very expensive damage and making it a matter of luck to get out of the area and down safely .
13 But Changez looked so alone — and close up I could see bits of bristle sticking out of his badly shaved face — that even I could n't laugh at him in my usual way .
14 If supplementary information is provided it must be issued with repeat of the original disclaimer or under cover of the following statement : ‘ provided under the terms of the confidentiality agreement and the disclaimer of responsibility set out in the information memorandum ’ .
15 This information is provided under the terms of confidentiality agreement and disclaimer of responsibility set out in the Information memorandum .
16 NBThis information , attached as Appendix A and a reconciliation of actual and forecast net expenses attached as Appendix B , is provided under the terms of the confidentiality agreement and disclaimer of responsibility set out in the Information memorandum .
17 It is essential that the order of committal sets out the court 's findings , otherwise the contemnor does not have any basis upon which he can challenge them .
18 For instance , it is hoping to stem the flow of computer spending out of Scotland .
19 Our present concept of field grew out of Dedekind 's work and also that of Kronecker , the basic notions being present already in the work of Abel and Galois .
20 Within an hour of arrival they were closeted with the permanent secretary , the most senior civil servant , of the Ministry of Agriculture mapping out the ground for a loan from the World Bank to Tanzania which would put $25 million into livestock production , turning ranching and the export of beef into a major national industry .
21 Choose from a colourful array of mango , star fruit , kiwi and raspberries , to name but a few and add a sprinkling of Sweetex to bring out the full flavour , or use it in recipes for a sweet taste without the calories .
22 She also had the run of the library and she could of course go out , as long , he warned her with a sardonic look , as she did n't wander off with strange men .
23 As this is a short letter we will of course send out another before the end of the year with our new address and further news on the life and times of the Meikle Mob …
24 Thomas Sherer seems to have worked conscientiously as Fox 's deputy , but he could not of course carry out his own functions as Examiner and these had to be performed by deputies , described as ‘ men of small credit ’ and ‘ young men unsworn ’ .
25 Primary schools will of course carry out a range of cross-curricular work , but there can be great benefits from this approach at secondary level also .
26 It may of course turn out that there are after all good independent reasons for respecting the intuitive judgements which come from long experience .
27 It goes without saying that the TD must hold regular surgeries , or in the euphemistic Irish expression " hear confessions " which will of course turn out to be requests for assistance .
28 He of course found out what was happening and the airport was deserted except for the CARABINIERI , the particular type of police for such jobs .
29 It is often a matter of difficulty to find out exactly what will have to be paid for haulage , toll and wharfage , and this fact increases the office labour in sending out tenders .
30 If all you want is a simple page of text run out in one of the standard LaserWriter fonts then any of the bureau should be able to manage that without any difficulty at all — if they ca n't then they probably wo n't last long in the business .
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