Example sentences of "be quite the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm quite the armchair feminist !
2 Will he remind any business man foolish enough to think that a Labour Government would be better for business of the myriad proposals which would prove the truth to be quite the opposite , which would make life far more difficult and which would especially energise union militancy which is at the bottom of some of the proposals ?
3 So it 'll be quite the top Sue .
4 Live there did not seem to be quite the word for someone whose residence there appeared so transient .
5 I was advised by a friend that it would n't be quite the thing to go in raincoat and wellies !
6 ( Barry Legge ) No , I think it 'll be quite the reverse , at the moment we have a benefits system that stretches right across the spectrum , and there are many people receiving benefits at the moment that do n't really need them .
7 Bill Pedler was made an Honorary Member but was never to be quite the force he was prewar .
8 IF ON April 9 Neil Kinnock is returned as PM it will not be quite the disaster that other Socialist governments of the past have proved to be .
9 In another sense most of them are quite the opposite , namely rejections of modern modes of political organisation , both national and supranational .
10 I bet he turns out not to have been quite the hero he makes out . ’
11 ‘ For us it 's been quite the reverse of a recession .
12 In practice , matters have been quite the reverse .
13 Third , the method is somewhat wasteful , being quite the converse of Labov 's telephone survey in this respect .
14 At first glance her remark seems true enough , but my feelings were quite the opposite .
15 Not all the causes he took up were quite the product of personal initiative that they later came to seem .
16 ‘ I do n't think that 's quite the word to describe my feelings — ’
17 It seems our Rainbow 's quite the athlete .
18 It 's quite the exception though .
19 I suppose you could you could work with me but er I do n't think that 's quite the idea .
20 After being criticised by manager Mr Smith for the timing of his announcement , 24 hours before the Villa Park match , Beresford said : ‘ I do n't want to leave Pompey — in fact it 's quite the reverse .
21 Perhaps gangs of older women up hills is quite the norm in the Fatherland , and if so it could do with being aped here .
22 Yet , the work 's direction is quite the opposite of that conventionally assigned to the fertility rite .
23 ‘ A woman 's breast , for instance , has that heaving movement which is quite the opposite of voluptuous . ’
24 But the company 's mainframe business is quite the opposite .
25 ‘ Our ’ MPs seem to think so ( if the word ‘ think ’ can be applied to Ulster MPs ) , but the truth is quite the opposite .
26 The result is quite the opposite .
27 It is quite the opposite with the red-necked phalarope .
28 Although the monk does not tell the wife where the hundred francs have come from , and creates potential trouble for her by telling the husband that he has paid her this sum , the wife in the Shipman 's Tale is quite the opposite of the foolish , deceived creature that Margery is in Dame Sirith .
29 In the overall scheme of things , however , loyalist violence has a different effect — and it is quite the opposite to what is intended .
30 He is an intellectual man but since he has married , a woman who is quite the opposite of him , the reader often notices that he retreats to his library during the course of the book .
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