Example sentences of "be that some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It may prompt further , more wide-ranging research , providing ideas to be followed up later , or it may be that some broad generalization is brought to life by a case-study .
2 For example , it may be that some legal point has arisen and the Council has a duty to provide legal advice if required .
3 Much of their repertory is being recorded for the first time ( or very nearly so ) , and it may be that some current recordings will sound exploratory , even tentative , to future generations who will have the privilege to take things further .
4 There 's a great deal of double counting that takes place , it might be that some honourable members in this house actually appear upon two registers , one in London and one within the area in which they reside , normally within their constituency and many people are merely carried over from past registers , without any serious canvassing taking place to find out whether they are the people to be on the registers or whether someone else should be put in their place .
5 It may be that some young children will achieve a stage where they are ready to compare more than two sets to see which has ‘ most ’ or ‘ least ’ , but incidental experience of this kind is less frequent .
6 It may be that some wavering ex-Tory voters , worried by the imminent prospect of a Labour government , have responded to the Tory Party 's warnings that a vote for Paddy Ashdown would be ‘ a vote to let Labour in ’ .
7 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
8 It could be that some underlying defect opens the way to both candidiasis and chemical sensitivity .
9 First , it may be that some commodity-producing projects deemed socially useful are unprofitable because the ‘ social need ’ which they are supposed to answer fails to find expression as a monetary demand on the market .
10 Are mama and my sisters truly in sanctuary — or could it be that some grave misfortune has overtaken them also ?
11 This is done as soon as some function is declared ( the simplest necessary declaration is that some solid entities are being entered ) and some volume exists , ie geometric entities that give more than a single coordinate value in each orthogonal direction .
12 The conventional view is that some polysymptomatic patients have a psychologically based disability.These patients are extremely suggestible .
13 The implication is that some Upper Carboniferous rocks of the foreland are still in the oil window , and that even if fairly high regional palaeogeothermal gradients are assumed , the gas preservation limit is likely to be several kilometres deep where the high-volatile coals occur .
14 ‘ Can we all talk about the future of the family business , or is that some taboo subject never to be discussed at mealtimes ? ’
15 However , while agreeing that crime must be controlled , this functionalist argument is that some criminal behaviour has positive and useful functions .
16 What the verdict of ‘ lack of care ’ presupposes is that some other persons had at least the opportunity of rendering care ( in the narrow sense of that word ) which would have prevented the death .
17 One qualification is that some evolutionary changes occur by chance , without natural selection .
18 One of the few signs of encouragement to emerge from the reported cases considered here is that some current employee inventors can not easily be ‘ bought off ’ by employers anxious to avoid compensation claims .
19 In its weak form , the clausal hypothesis is that some partial and preliminary hypotheses about the meaning of a clause will be developed as information about the clause is being taken in , although the definitive decision about clausal meaning could only be taken once the clause had been fully perceived .
20 A related problem is that some empirical studies convert the price changes or returns on separate futures contracts into a single time series by linking together the prices of consecutive futures contracts .
21 One sign of change is that some senior politicians have broken with the establishment by founding a reformist faction within the ruling party .
22 And the bad news is that some treacherous skitch called the police . ’
23 The only answer I can think is that some enterprising editor believed that , with ET all the rage after Star Wars , the time was ripe for a study of how Earthlings behave when aliens land .
24 These hoops can be jumped through quickly if all parties cooperate , but the point is that some potential candidates for the 1990 Edinburgh course will already be looking for possible courses early in 1989 .
25 One possibility is that some superior form of modifiability occurred in the smell-brain , and I shall return to this later .
26 One snag is that some statistical tests , especially calculations of sample error , can not be made on quota sampling because they are not based on random sampling .
27 The good news for English and American readers is that some German publishers are taking more note of the English-speaking market .
28 All they could imagine was that some new sort of tax was to be imposed on them .
29 When poor James Bulger was found , the assumption ( uncomfortably like a dark hope ) was that some other-world fiend had done away with him .
30 Even when a governor accepted the assembly 's idea of what was a grievance , his instructions from London limited his freedom of action , usually in the interests of uniformity of imperial policy — one problem was that some American colonial assemblies had Scottish rather than English ideas about divorce and the indissolubility of marriage , but the governors were instructed to veto bills allowing divorce , in order to reduce the difficulties foreseen if each different part of the empire had its own laws about marriage .
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