Example sentences of "be that for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 're all looking at it at the moment of , of course , but some of our first impressions are that for example on global warming , there 's no commitment to , to a carbon taxation .
2 We mentioned earlier the paradoxes which were that for instance erm we 're looking for a low risk investment or our customers are looking for a low risk investment , they tell us they need well proven technology but that needs to be advanced technology .
3 Evidence so far is that for providers , the care programme approach does not assist in clarifying the roles of different staff in different agencies , but it may offer a global package of mental health care , comprising both social and health care services .
4 I mean it sometimes is that for instance we we have a daughter in York and I have parents in London
5 So it is that for Douglas MacBain it is a clearly defined aim to consider setting targets for numbers of churches to be planted in the coming decade and to work to facilitate this .
6 The point is that for Callinicos , Nietzschean thought is an instance of Romantic anti-capitalism : that form of refusal of the implications of capitalist modernity which has been present virtually since the birth of that condition , described by Michael Lowy as ‘ opposition to capitalism in the name of pre-capitalist values ’ ( cited p. 67 ) .
7 The essence of Luxemburg 's critique is that for accumulation to proceed there must be a third market , that is , petty commodity production , feudal economy , etc. , for the whole of the surplus-value to be realised .
8 The important point to note here is that for Bukharin this state of equilibrium contained deviations and fluctuations , thus what he was postulating is not a static equilibrium nor even a dynamic one — dynamic in the sense of an orderly balanced growth .
9 ’ ( John 12.24 ) The importance of death is that for God it is the commencement of resurrection .
10 My own view is that for readers to be promised even a glimmer of understanding as to the origins of our world and the universe was tempting enough , but the further promise that it was to be told briefly was irresistible .
11 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
12 So far as futures dealing is concerned , the key exclusion is that for market counterparties , although investors in corporate finance transactions can also be excluded ( see page 33 below ) and trust beneficiaries are in any event not customers ( see page 34 below ) .
13 What is important to realize is that for Yeats certainly , and I think at times for Pound also , the only alternative open was a sorry second best .
14 In the Seventies and early Eighties the general opinion was that for women to ‘ make it ’ they had to act like men but now the rules are different , says author Sally Helgerson in her recently published bestseller The Female Advantage : Women 's Ways of Leadership .
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