Example sentences of "be that the people " in BNC.

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1 What 's unique about Edhi 's centres are that the people in them are required to carry out all the daily chores and maintenance .
2 You always find wherever you are that the people who 've been there a long time get sort of erm a bit uppity , they think that they 're
3 The problem seems to be that the people who prepare the lunches have never actually opened one sitting on a hill .
4 Could it be that the people of this country are storing up champagne to celebrate the wondrous event of the Tories ' being smashed at the next election ?
5 Erm it may be that the people who were right down at the bottom like that were people who were doing other things as well and were say blacksmiths or whatever
6 The generally accepted view is that the people of Lewis opposed Lord Leverhulme 's schemes .
7 The limitation is that the people under observation may well feel rather acutely that they are being observed and may react against the observers , act unnaturally and perhaps even lie .
8 One unfortunate result of our present habit of leaking any information of interest is that the people most concerned become the last to know .
9 The trouble with anonymous contributions to this page , not that I 'm not grateful for anything I can get , is that the people who send them ca n't get a lovely Community Care mug whereas those like Nicholas Holbrook , ( see below ) who refuse to hide their creative light under a bushel , have a mug winging its way to them at this very moment .
10 The most this can mean is that the people who voted for the party did so knowing that it was planning to do certain things , and that therefore these voters can be assumed to have consented to those plans .
11 He has several businesses in the district — a bobbin mill , a gunpowder factory , a cotton mill , and more — and what they have in common is that the people — usually women and children — who are unfortunate enough to be employed in them are driven as cruelly as possible and paid as little as possible .
12 All that is required is that the people have the necessary desire and will to bring change about .
13 And the answer to that is that the People of this Country govern Parliament .
14 As I said before on Thursday , that the idea is that the people outside there , the public , are the ones that are important .
15 ‘ The point is that the people inside the organisation are clearly the best at knowing what it does and it is vital to harness that inside knowledge through a multidisciplinary team . ’
16 The fact is that the people who have lost out from the erosion of children 's allowances have also lost in other ways .
17 ‘ What is most exciting about this project is that the people in the communities will have the major say in what will be done , ’ said , NEAR Project Manager .
18 Er the thing is that the people in the northeast yes er there is a lot more work done up there by the Society but you know since I 've been down in Horsham I have found that the northeast is not alone .
19 but erm , sorry the reason I 'm raising my eyebrows is that the people who would come to live in the new settlement if it was to happen , are people who would otherwise have to live somewhere else in in the county
20 Our view is that the people of this city value the services the council provides and do n't want them withdrawn .
21 It 's as , what I 'm looking for is that the people who tick it off as being okay know what they are looking for , and that maybe that it 's the right number of boxes , it might be it 's the right grade of paper , whatever it happens to be that , that , if they tick it to say it 's right , then that 's what , that they have checked in some way .
22 Well I 've visited both Cambodia itself and the camps , er first of all in the camps , the situation is appalling because there are very many people who do not want to be in those camps and are really in effect being held there against their will , and what has been extraordinary until this year , is that the people who 've been holding them there against their will have been the Phol Pot dominated so-called coalition government and on the basis of the people being in the camps , that , that , that regime has gone on to claim recognition at the United Nations ; an appalling situation .
23 Another great spiritual advantage was that the people 's occupation allowed them the opportunity to read good books or to engage in godly conversation whilst they were working away at their looms .
24 The suggestion was that the people of the area were outwardly smart but inwardly seared with pain : bleeding inside .
25 The reason why our homes were so cold was that the people who designed them never took our severe winter climate into consideration .
26 Erm the other thing was that the people at senior level need to be reminded , if they do have a major problem erm that 's David and Malcolm , erm where , if they 've got a rather difficult case and it 's urgent and they want a , they do n't wan na have to put it on a , on a fax , they want , they need it there and then erm , and they do n't like the telephone call facility , I said well , well that 's primarily for consultants .
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