Example sentences of "be that [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The most pungent criticism of the president may be that so much of his attention is on the Gulf , and so little of it elsewhere .
2 One reason for this relative neglect may be that so many earlier surveys gave such clear and unequivocal results : at virtually every stage of education , by virtually every criterion of achievement , middle-class children had higher levels of achievement than working-class children .
3 Evidence about who actually acts as an unpaid carer has to be pieced together from various statistical sources , but the best informed estimates seem to be that very few people are cared for by non-relatives , and that women provide about 75 to 85 per cent of relative care .
4 What lends this observation particular piquancy however is that remarkably few players sound particularly good .
5 The point is that normally such parents would prefer that their babies were not defective and would welcome a non-controversial cure were it to become available .
6 The crucial difference , however , is that over half of this amount went on defence ( which is comparable to the USA ) whereas in the EEC the proportion was one-quarter and in Japan zero .
7 If a bold conjecture is falsified , then all that is learnt is that yet another crazy idea has been proved wrong .
8 This is true irrespective of whether the animal is able to communicate with its conspecifics — either by way of warning-cries , mating-calls , and the like , or by means of a syntactically-structured language whose meaning is determined by social conventions rather than by fixed genetic mechanisms , The point is that even much non-communicative behaviour has to be understood in computational terms , such that internal symbolic processes must be attributed to the creature .
9 The second caveat is that even this amount of support is reduced when hypothetical compromises are put to the public .
10 A third and almost as clear a theme is that even this inadequate level of services has been declining very fast , in both the USA ( Johansen and Fuguitt , 1984 ) and in the UK .
11 The problem is that plainly this depreciation charge can not reflect the periodic benefits expected to accrue from using the vehicle .
12 The price of over-identifying the struggle against racism with the activities of these extremist groups and group lets is that however much of a problem they may be in a particular area ( and I am not denying the need to combat their organizing ) they are exceptional .
13 The answer is that probably all shapes are capable of supporting a successful but restricted marine community .
14 One cost is that clearly some services are being cut in terms of how good they are .
15 An important point is that nearly all the methods which measure use must by definition relate to use of libraries ' existing collections , and thus reflect their existing limitations .
16 Health and safety cour training courses according to these reports these are poorly attended with a majority below forty percent but more worrying than that is that nearly half of G M B safety reps said they 'd not received a copy of the safety rep 's kits .
17 The major rule applying is that generally most predators will attack only fish smaller than themselves , although some large mouthed predators such as lionfish and large groupers are capable of swallowing prey of almost their own dimensions .
18 Ultimately the most memorable lines in this volume must be those penned by Bonnard to Matisse in January 1940 : ‘ When I think of you , I think of a mind cleansed of every old aesthetic convention , and it is that alone that permits a direct view of nature , the greatest joy that can befall a painter .
19 One problem with setting the neck so deep into the body is that relatively little space is left for pickup separation .
20 The thinking is that once all the mucky bits have been moved out , Singapore 's well-educated workforce will specialise in research and development , marketing , finance and other services .
21 The point that the basic rate taxpayer must note is that once all the charges — in particular the annual management fee — are taken into account , then the net benefit of being in the PEP could be seriously eroded or even disappear altogether .
22 The main point of this section , however , is that almost all the life on Earth that we are aware of derives its energy from the Sun , via the process of photosynthesis .
23 The reason for this , however , is that almost all the references are found in what are intended to be exhaustive lists of ways of acquiring property : heretics , for instance , are debarred from acquiring under any title including legacy and trust ; curial property received in any way ( including legacy and trust ) is taxable .
24 Our impression is that almost all contract computer staff are voluntarily working on this basis .
25 One of the main practical impacts of the TransAction system is that almost all the conveyancing is now dealt with before exchange of contracts , and this means that the tasks that have to be undertaken in between exchange and completion are relatively minor , thereby reducing the average time between exchange and completion to two weeks or even less .
26 The point is that almost any configuration of events with which an individual is likely to be associated in public carries the risk of a worst possible meaning which might reflect unfavourably upon him , and it is a sign of intact mental functioning that one recognises this risk , without of course being incapacitated by the thought , and at the same time that one is equipped to perform repair work if and when infractions occur .
27 The problem is that so little of police time is devoted to it .
28 The pity is that so little has changed since then .
29 The great thing about tea drinking is that so many varieties are available that you can always find a brew that is appropriate to the occasion .
30 IT is seldom remarked how curious it is that so many people need to find a meaning to life .
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