Example sentences of "be that [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 With the principle of voluntary hospitalization accepted , and safeguards now surrounding the standards of treatment , the chances are that a better , more professionally trained mental health service will develop .
2 Older items have become extremely collectable , and the indications are that the better contemporary rugs may follow suit .
3 If your wife is unhappy , now it may well have been that a better policy could have been put on the vehicle .
4 It has been suggested that the reason for this choice may have been that the longer of the two annual intervals between successive zenith-transits of the sun in the neighbourhood of Copan ( one of the most important Maya cities ) at latitude 15 degrees north is 260 days .
5 It may be that the effect of diagnosis is real and that duodenal ulcer is more persistent than gastric ulcer , or it may be that a higher proportion of gastric ulcer patients have been operated upon in the time between the two periods of registrations of drug use .
6 It may well be that a fairer test must await an examination of the poll tax over an entire electoral cycle .
7 It may be that a further Hurricane was also lost , some sources recording R.A.F. fighter losses for this day as five Hurricanes and three pilots .
8 It may well be that the better education of orphan girls was a particular feature of the experiment .
9 The principle seems to be that the closer the potential person approaches its realisation and the fewer the remaining hurdles to surmount , the more attributes of the actual person seem proper to it .
10 In England , the mortality from the plague has been variously estimated at between 20 per cent and 35 per cent of the population , and it may be that the higher figure is the more accurate .
11 It may well be that the smaller powers benefit first from the new defensive technologies .
12 The only truism appears to be that the smaller the town the greater the extent of the exchange .
13 Another feature of the next few years may be that the stronger venture capital firms will get stronger as the industry levels off and greater competition for business drives down returns .
14 So far as we can tell , the men-folk ruled in every sphere ; but it may be that the further one got from the world of high feudalism the less of a slave the woman became ; it is certainly true , in a rather different way , that the Norman Conquest brought both a more complete feudalism and a fall in the status of women .
15 Although for a majority of employees a protected rights contract is usually likely to offer a higher return , there are certain limitations and the accepted wisdom seems to be that the older the employee and the larger the transfer value , the more attractive a section 32 buy-out becomes .
16 The end result of interaction appears to be that the longer one survives after myocardial infarct the closer one 's life expectancy comes to match the normal population .
17 The frequent argument of the left is that a greater clarity on the National Curriculum would provide a lever with which to prise out more resources for the schools .
18 A second lesson is that a greater effort should be made to cushion the poor ( who are often women ) from the hardships that go with adjustment .
19 What might , however , be the case is that a greater proportion of people in temporary jobs are " involuntary " rather than " voluntary " temporary workers than a decade or so ago , in other words that the structure of the temporary worker population has changed over time .
20 If our analysis is valid , one consequence is that a greater proportion of observed health differences in childhood would be associated with socioeconomic variations in circumstances than can be accounted for by conventional social class groupings .
21 What seems to have happened over the last twenty years or so is that a higher proportion of juveniles are being dealt with officially by the police rather than being dealt with unofficially or warned .
22 The intuitive explanation for the negative slope of the aggregate demand curve is that a higher price implies , ceteris paribus , a lower real quantity of money in the economy since the real quantity of money is defined to be the nominal quantity of money , M , divided by the general level of prices , P 1 that is M÷P , One way in which people may respond to finding themselves with less real money than they had before is by selling off holdings of bonds to rebuild their holdings of money .
23 The corollary of that is that a higher proportion of their income is spent on tobacco products .
24 The general consensus of modern medical opinion is that a lower intake of fats , less cholesterol and more fibre in our diets lowers the risk of heart disease , stroke , high blood pressure , arthritis , gall stones , ulcers , constipation and even , perhaps , certain cancers .
25 My point here is that a further rapid increase in unemployment might have weakened the unions ' power of resistance ( one can draw a comparison with the Thatcher government ) , but playing according to rules which prohibited blatant mass unemployment tied the government 's hands .
26 The snag is that a stronger economy might mean higher inflation and therefore higher interest rates .
27 What it means , eventually , is that a smaller base of committed players will have to shoulder the burdens and , in a country that remains strictly amateur , a coterie of liberal employers will be required to grace the scene .
28 The most obvious is that a larger amount of time is required from the writer .
29 One of his intriguing findings is that a larger proportion of uncited articles are published in the higher priced journals .
30 From another point of view , what has happened is that an older Left position , whose model of an anti-commercial , genuinely ‘ popular ’ culture is ‘ folk ’ music ( regarded as a useful source primarily because of its potential for politically progressive lyric content ) , has been rewritten with an emphasis on the progressive potential of new , electrically mediated form , and its capacity to recreate community as an ‘ echo ’ of the ‘ folk ’ .
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