Example sentences of "of [be] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well you must of been gone mother .
2 This is especially true if the pilot turns out to be a young lady and the shock of what-might-have-been gives rise to tears during her interview with the investigator .
3 In consequence , instead of being proclaimed Emperor he was appointed Regent .
4 If , therefore , the acts relied on are incapable of being made part of any cause of action — e.g .
5 I should have reported it first , but I thought I could always plead urgency if I was disciplined again , and I could n't take the risk of being denied access . ’
6 It is sadder still that the weight of being given funding may soon be lifted from FAB by the London Borough 's Grants Unit proposal to cut FAB 's grant .
7 But by failing to register in time you will have lost the chance of being given preference in allocation .
8 In a review of reconviction rates , for example , a Home Office report concluded : ‘ Those given probation orders were therefore less likely to be reconvicted within two years of being given probation than those released from custody ’ ( Home Office , 1986 , p. 5 ) .
9 Most of the cathedrals and churches have later alterations and additions but , in many cases , Romanesque work is present in quantity ; perhaps due to the depredations of Henry VIII , English abbeys and priories , instead of being given Baroque face-lifts , have survived , more or less , as ruins from the Medieval period ( PLATE 50 ) .
10 It is an unwritten agreement and if we renege on it , let us not be surprised if our dog loses his respect for us , for we are not worthy of being called Master .
11 But of course these boys , these disgusting creatures , these street urchins unworthy of being called Neapolitan , they were not from this area at all , no , not at all .
12 I am a direct entrant and think I have given a little to the Institute in return for the privilege of being granted Membership .
13 Mr Begg gave warning that the consequences of being declared bankrupt would be harsh and severe .
14 Mr Begg gave warning that the consequences of being declared bankrupt would be harsh and severe .
15 Curiously , his father had also been one of three captains in a series against West Indies ; he , though , had not suffered the indignity of being refused admission to the car park at the ground because the attendant did not recognize him .
16 Bosses at Sunderland General Hospital denied being to blame — even though a report says the deaths were ‘ an outcome ’ of being refused admission .
17 I think , at the time we went there was n't any real risk of being held hostage ourselves .
18 Fascinating though these books are to read , the thought of being held prisoner by such a regime , knowing exactly how each day was to be spent from now until eternity , makes me feel cold with horror .
19 Hubert Gaily was not in the habit of thieving , still less of being caught thieving .
20 In fact , the novelty of being offered information by Sniffy would n't let me miss it .
21 Certain categories of staff have more chance of being offered accommodation , but this may be limited to single applicants living a reasonable distance from the parental home .
22 Although we were wary of being shown set-up situations , the people we met impressed us as having deep convictions , lively minds , tireless enthusiasm , incorruptible moral standards .
23 Recently a Nomura executive suffered the indignity of being taken hostage by a client wielding a samurai sword .
24 If I had ever thought of the possibility of being taken prisoner while I was in England , I should have expected all Germans to be like the officer who had tried to interrogate me at the aerodrome or the two soldiers who had brought me from the aerodrome to Amsterdam .
25 Is the future one of being paid park keepers or producers of primary produce ?
26 Is the future one of being paid park keepers or producers of primary produce ?
27 Derek had been terrified of being found work as a clerk or a porter , but signing on had cheered him up immensely : he too was completely unemployable .
28 Our pupils are conscious of being awarded responsibility and there has been no abuse of the cards at all . ’
29 I smiled to myself as I let in the clutch and moved off I would stop at the shop and tell the little man that he could collect his pans without the slightest fear of being torn limb from limb , but my overriding emotion was one of relief that I had not cut the sparkle out of the big dog 's life .
30 The high specificity of IS based polymerase chain reaction tests , for the detection of M paratuberculosis and M avium subsp silvaticum permits these known chronic enteric pathogens to be identified amongst a wide variety of other environmental mycobacteria which are normal inhabitants of the alimentary tract .
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