Example sentences of "of [pron] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah look at the size of me though mum .
2 The houses , many of them partly timber in construction , were fine products of the rising artisan class , to which class the Hasteds undoubtedly belonged .
3 And there were preserved sexual organs , male and female , some of them unmistakably animal .
4 Most of them only sound as if they are . )
5 In most of them now music throbbed , thick white candles flickered and couples danced or sat in little intent circles and chatted above the din .
6 What are some of them though Mum ?
7 Internationally , BS5750 equates to the standards required for ISO 9001 , which also forms part of My Kinda Town 's award .
8 Was there a part of his career that had helped him most in the development of My Kinda Town ?
9 We 've three of their best selling model to give away — the Concorde E30 De Luxe .
10 Software developers are rushing to produce Windows versions of their best selling software , partly because they see Windows as the way forward , and partly because Windows provides a ready-made set of program development tools for the programmer .
11 In these papers , all kinds of non- and extra-philosophical activities become the basis for philosophical reflection , for instance menstruation and childbirth ( Brenda Almond 's paper ) ; a gut reaction to pornography ( Alison Assiter 's paper ) ; the fantasies that disturb because of their apparently unfeminist nature Jean Grimshaw 's paper ) ; and nonviolent demonstrations against missile bases ( Anne Seller 's paper ) ; the point in each case being that these experiences are the starting point , because their importance did not seem to be recognised within the theoretical categories already provided , and so urgently impel the theorist to work out categories that are more adequate .
12 Now if the beautiful things are beautiful , and if beauty itself is beautiful , what of the beauty in respect of which both beauty and the beautiful things are beautiful ?
13 Now if the beautiful things are beautiful , and if beauty itself is beautiful , what of the beauty in respect of which both beauty and the beautiful things are beautiful ?
14 This comprises the process of levelling , which involves the loss of marked and/or minority variants ; and the process of simplification , by means of which even minority forms may be the ones to survive if they are linguistically simpler , in the technical sense , and through which even forms and distinctions present in all the contributory dialects may be lost .
15 In this regard , they are much better value as plants than such species roses as Rosa xanthina ‘ Canary Bird ’ and Rosa moyesii , both of which only flower for a couple of weeks during the early summer .
16 Oxford University has been banned from fielding one of its best-ever basketball players … because she 's a woman .
17 A local authority covering a rural area , but also including several mediumsized towns , was keen to automate some of its more labour intensive and costly money transmission services .
18 Then it was onto Oxford 's more established University and a chance to meet some of its more establishment students .
19 So TV chiefs have turned to best-selling author Magdalen Nabb and the roly poly hero of her best selling Marshal books .
20 Do any of you not drive because you ca n't afford to or , or because , yes
21 Of course , concern with the product to the exclusion of everything else customer , market , cash-flow , productivity , and so on — can lead to the kind of product fetishism which allows ‘ good ’ engineering firms to go bust .
22 The boy smelt , faintly , of sweat , and also of something else-of poverty , of cheap food , overcrowded lodgings , oil applied to hair that was not quite clean , Arab buses , dust .
23 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
24 At first the information lack had been due to an instinctive veering away from the man who had caused her so much hurt and distress , but now it was more a matter of her rarely spending money on a paper and not having a television .
25 increase customer familiarity with a product ( or variations of it eg brand , product-range etc )
26 By the late 1850s the Brick Lane brewery was selling 400,000 barrels of beer a year , a quarter of it now ale rather than porter .
27 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
28 So they both were searching for some lost part of themselves this summer .
29 So it was just kind of what ever enthusiasm there was washed away with that .
30 Many of us here present today have worked for our employers for over two years so we have some protection under law .
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