Example sentences of "of [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 There are right and wrong ways of handling microphones for speech recording .
2 In the 1860s Gaskell , Deacon & Co. was among the largest and most successful chemical works in Widnes , owing to Gaskell 's commercial management and Deacon 's method of recovering chlorine for bleaching-powder manufacture .
3 The idea of using roads for local distribution and the railways for the long-distance trunk haul is as old as the railways themselves .
4 Designed for office dictation use , this machine followed Edison 's preferred method of using electricity for the motor , but it had acoustic recording and reproduction .
5 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
6 In 1731 the old custom of using Latin for legal records came to an end , but in practice many manorial records were written in English from much earlier times .
7 Such a task for sociology may appear reasonable and innocuous , particularly in societies which embrace a commitment to the principle of using knowledge for practical purposes and not to any principle of knowledge for knowledge 's sake' .
8 The advantages of using microbes for the early stages of such studies were well known and their biochemistry provided a convenient starting point for several investigators , especially in America .
9 Now , consistent with her previous practice of using Creole for comments in Creole on the other players , she begins to describe the players ' code words in turn — " ( you ) slap down , he says " pin " , he slaps down , he says " needle " , he slaps down he — " .
10 Already there is talk of using Macintoshes for packaging design , 35mm slide and OHP production and a host of other graphics oriented functions .
11 The modern trend of using crimps for holding hooks lengths in position has produced a number of worrying implications .
12 But the principle of using consultants for such exercises as local government reform and the future organisation of water services must be questioned .
13 But since ministers , including the Prime Minister , are so fond of using statistics for the purposes of debate , they can not be allowed to make the contradictory claim that these figures are irrelevant .
14 I discuss later in this chapter ways of using pauses for students to repeat , answer questions or use a worksheet .
15 An important point here is that existing school staff may have little experience of using microcomputers for information retrieval and the school librarian needs to impress the staff by her/his ability in using the microcomputer .
16 However , much less well developed has been the nature of using information for decision-making .
17 The Garden had no computer communication links , so that the Library could not access on-line bibliographic databases to carry out literature searches for staff , and there was no possibility of using computers for data exchange between institutions .
18 One of the advantages of using stripes for a garment is that only a small amount of each yarn is needed and the width of the stripes can also be varied , depending on the amount of each yarn which is available .
19 For individuals the centre offers the opportunity to develop personal skills and the possibility of submitting work for a higher degree or DBA of Brunel University , based on either full-time or part-time study and PhD or MPhil by full-time study .
20 For individuals the centre offers the opportunity to develop personal skills and the possibility of submitting work for a higher degree , DBA , PhD or MPhil of Brunel University .
21 For Martin Brundle now , the desperate job of maintaining enthusiasm for the remainder of the world championships , while the desperate need of finding a new seat hangs over him .
22 We have argued throughout that cutting eligibility is the worst possible way of containing the cost of legal aid , and we are pleased that the Home Affairs Committee has recognised the importance of maintaining eligibility for legal aid in order to ensure that citizens have access to advice and assistance at a price they can afford .
23 The immense size of the problem is obvious and the cost of maintaining information for the future is large , but it seems likely that the benefits will outweigh the costs .
24 Arctic skuas feed their young on the fish which they rob from the terns , and have become so specialised that they have almost lost the capability of catching food for themselves .
25 Typical values , for processors such ie Motorola 6800 or Intel 8080 , are T , = 10 us and T2 = 50 us and a table of stepping rates for various delays can be constructed : This table illustrates a fundamental weakness of the software-based System : the range of available Stepping rates becomes coarser with increasing speed ; for example , at 100 steps per second a unity change in delay value produces a 0.1% change in stepping rate , but at 5000 steps per second the same delay change gives a 5% difference in stepping rate .
26 She was still occasionally allowed to leave the compound under guard , on the pretext of gathering ingredients for the settlement 's pharmacopoeia .
27 This is a useful means of gathering evidence for assessment purposes .
28 They learn to use a variety of different methods of gathering information for themselves and then to interpret that information .
29 Also worth noting here is that Hankamer ( 1977 ) has put forward the possibility of competing grammars for a body of linguistic data as a force inducing syntactic change .
30 I 'm erm I 've been working in low cost housing , housing charities , for a very long time , with Shelter and various other charities like that , and I never cease to be amazed that the Conservative Group , here or nationally , are hostile to subsidies for council housing , because the subsidy which goes to owner-occupiers , through mortgage tax relief , is very much greater than the subsidy that goes to council housing and there 's nothing we as a Council can do about this , but I do hope that in due course we will get a fair system of subsidising houses for everybody , so that wealthy people on high incomes who are getting a big subsidy on their housing through their tax relief , erm are not getting more than people on low incomes living in council houses .
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