Example sentences of "of [noun] time for " in BNC.

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1 A lot of boat time for a couple of dives , and you 've also got overnight accommodation in Cairns to pay for .
2 All subject groups had DGR for some of the study period ; however , both groups of patients had reflux for a significantly longer proportion of study time than the normal controls ( 12% of study time for normal controls , 67% for gastric ulcer patients , and 91% for gastric surgery patients ; p<0.001 gastric ulcer v controls and p<0.0002 gastric surgery v controls ; Fig 1 ) .
3 The mean duration of DGR ( sodium >50 mmol/l ) was 79% of study time for patients with a positive result and 87% for patients with a negative result .
4 Watching the planes dog-fighting overhead , there was plenty of leisure time for day-dreaming about wives and families .
5 Table 1 shows the means and standard deviations of reaction time for Yed and No answers at each level of processing .
6 With Clinton carrying the campaign into the hitherto safe Republican areas , Perot eschewed campaigning in person in favour of buying huge amounts of television time for lengthy " info-commercials " designed to inform the electorate about his analysis of the country 's economic difficulties .
7 , I hope you 're not , well several interesting things have come out of there , it just shows the sort of thing about working under pressure , and the limited amount of time , erm , the limited amount of planning time for the managers certainly .
8 The most vulnerable areas of working time for me are those of contact with pupils and curriculum development .
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