Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Out of a crop of precocious back division talent to whom Scotland will looking in the not-too-distant future , Gregor Peter John Townsend , who will not be 19 until April 26 , presents an amalgam of skill , pace and learning capacity that mark him as one of specially exciting potential .
2 A target figure of 70 machine sets of components was set for delivery by 31 July 1942 , out of a total order of 225 sets , later reduced to 160 .
3 All the milk used is taken from the Brynllys herd of 70 Guernsey cows , who also provide milk for Welsh Organic Foods for cheesemaking .
4 This is a massive selection of 70 DOS games on no less than 14 disks complete with an install program .
5 The main force of level bombers passed over to 6 8,000 feet virtually unchallenged , their bombs crashing down on Luqa where six Wellingtons were burnt out ( R1247 , 1381 , 1382 , 1383 , 1384 of 148 Squadron , plus the sole remaining aircraft of 70 Squadron detachment , T2816 ) and seven more badly damaged , as were several Marylands .
6 Following two days ' rest Venables and Renshaw set off for a final attempt taking a more direct line , avoiding sections of 70 degree snow and ice by passages of rock and mixed climbing .
7 One of 70 H–25A helicopters ordered by the US Air Force , it was reallocated first to the US Army and then to the US Navy .
8 The constituent parts of a top-quality coffin of the period would have been as follows : a 1½-inch inner elm coffin with recessed lid , lined and covered with cambric — no depositum plate ; a lead shell of five pounds — i.e. five pounds ' weight per square foot — diapered and with lead depositum plate ; an outer case of 1½-inch elm or oak , padded and covered with rich scarlet Genoese or black Utrecht velvet ; four pairs of gilt grip-plates and grips ; two rows round of gilt-headed upholstery nails ; and escutcheons , lid motifs and brass or lead depositum plate .
9 He had new cases made for the shells , covered in scarlet Genoese velvet with two rows round of gilt-headed upholstery nails on the lid , the sides and ends blank-panelled with a single row of the same .
10 The BRS/Thesaurus is a library of hierarchical word lists .
11 BRS/Thesaurus is a library of hierarchical word lists .
12 Now , as you can see , that maps quite well with the sort of hierarchical feature extraction .
13 ‘ Bureaucratism ’ , in the sense of hierarchical command structures alienating both those who work within administrative structures and those who are in one way or another dependent on them , is regarded as anathema to communist social equality .
14 The parallels of hierarchical power structures , strict Roman Catholicism and the sanctity of womanhood ( as applied to the mother or the sister figure ) , contrasted by the blood thirsty vengeance motive and low regard for the truth , run remarkably strongly through both genres .
15 As one with wide , if not indeed indiscriminating , predilections of this sort throughout Scotland ( with some reservations which it would be unseemly to dwell upon here ) , I found the cases of Johnne Brughe of Fossiway ( pp 597 et seq ) , Bruce of Clackmannan contra Merschell ( pp 603 et seq ) , Stewartis contra Merser ( pp 563–571 ) and John Thomesone & utheris contra John Scott ( pp 783–785 ) of clear and cogent delight to read , while the plangent record of time long byegone in James Swan ( pp 742–743 ) where the worthy cautioner of the accused was ordained to make good the ‘ payne of one hundred merkis ’ imposed for the unlawful taking of salmon on the River Cart inspires thought too deep to utter .
16 Director of technical services Ken Swales is recommending the city 's amenities and leisure committee to accept the offer from BR and seek planning permission to erect the statue .
17 There 's a lot of technical work supervision in there .
18 They have lot of technical work supervision .
19 The Oregon combination of technical expert opinion and public participation was at first seized on with enthusiasm by many NHS managers as a means of legitimising rationing decisions .
20 Regardless of technical hitches Pathfinders in Space was judged a great success , leading to a second series being commissioned in 1960 .
21 San Jose , California-based Frame Technology Corp is extending its operations to Europe opening its European headquarters in Dublin , Ireland : the office will directly market its FrameMaker suite of products and provide a range of technical support services .
22 He is willing to throw in a couple of technical support people to explain to Bill Gates how Sparc works , and he will even sell naked hardware to an OEM like Dell Computer Corp or Electronic Design Systems .
23 To mop up what 's left of the direct sales budget , Solbourne will establish a chain of technical support offices across Europe , and admits it 's a less expensive way of keeping the European market aware of its presence .
24 AFTER 20 years of technical development designers who use computer graphics to produce animated films are still stymied by a technological bottleneck .
25 Teachers , on the other hand , objected ; teaching work should be carried out by people with teaching qualifications ( although here they were indeed on shaky ground as the majority of technical college lecturers at that time did not themselves possess qualifications in education ) .
26 Reshuffling its pack , Specialix has brought its research and development operations back to the UK under the charge of technical director Tony Beaumont .
27 OutlooK : Fear of technical bear trap grows
28 The engineering and design was carried out under the leadership of technical manager Paul de Plante and head of prototype engineering Paul Chassagne .
29 Both of these are early representatives of articulated heterostracan fishes with well developed dermal skeletons and they may offer insights into the anatomy of the earliest vertebrate armour .
30 Modelling a succession of gasp-provoking Balmain outfits , Sian Phillips maintains a nice , self-amused poise as his wife .
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