Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb -s] from " in BNC.

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1 The rules of probability ( p ) state that the value of p ranges from 0 ( zero ) to 1 ( one ) , where 0 indicates the lowest degree of probability and 1 indicates complete certainty .
2 The reason for this equality of values arises from the fact that a financial claim is at one and the same time an asset to one economic unit and a liability to another .
3 The basic material of hair comes from amino acids , and to ensure that cell production continues , the blood supply at the bottom of the hair follicle transports the amino acids , hormones and nutrients required for hair growth .
4 The flavour of herbs comes from essential oils in the leaves , stem and flowers .
5 But a sense of apathy arises from the feeling that life is pointless and futile .
6 We are surprised that despite acknowledging in paragraph 45 of the draft guidance that there appears to be a finite supply of marine aggregates and that much of this will be required to supply soft and hard coastal protection schemes made necessary by predicted sea level rise through global warming , MPG6 aims to increase supply of building aggregates from this source for South Wales .
7 We are surprised that despite acknowledging in paragraph 45 of the draft guidance that there appears to be a finite supply of marine aggregates and that much of this will be required to supply soft and hard coastal protection schemes made necessary by predicted sea level rise through global warming , MPG6 aims to increase supply of building aggregates from this source for South Wales .
8 Moreover a further level of complexity arises from the fact that both ATF1 ( 29 , 30 ) and CREM ( 28 , 31 ) exist in multiple forms .
9 Much of the use of ATNs stems from their clarity when used in small systems .
10 Carbon dioxide accounts for half of the greenhouse gases and , in global terms , 75 per cent of emissions comes from the burning of fossil fuels for energy .
11 Respect for the dignity and freedom of the child consists in the recognition that the burden of responsibility shifts from the adult to the child as she herself demands it .
12 According to that document , non-fundholding practices such as the one to which I am referring were entitled to reimbursement of computer costs from April 1990 .
13 Salmon have been shown to be capable of the necessary olfactory discrimination , but the most direct evidence that they use their sense of smell comes from experiments , of the kind first performed by W. J. Wisby and A. D. Hasler , in which the salmon 's olfactory sense was impaired .
14 Degree of attachment varies from slight to a firm chemical bond .
15 More particularly , assurance of faith comes from knowledge of God , as objectively revealed in his Word and subjectively revealed by his Spirit .
16 Our present description of the parallelism of greater precision of course prescinds from questions of causes or poetic psychology and even from issues of grammatical relationship and cuts across across distinctions that have previously been made .
17 Such research of course suffers from the problem that there is no suitable control in terms of memory for more mundane events , nor are there adequate methods for actually determining the accuracy of the memories reported .
18 The influence of the USA is such that American lawyers seek to impose the effect of US law ( which of course varies from State to State within the Union ) upon the rest of the world .
19 When we do this , we find that a critic 's range of activities varies from place to place and period to period .
20 The progression of destructionn moves from affecting the capacity for a full range of emotional feelings and then into affecting intellectual processes and finally affecting physical health , although ther will of course have been many episodes of some damage to physical well-being throughout the progress of the disease .
21 ‘ Apart from membership and donations our main source of income comes from boarding dogs for people , ’ she explained .
22 And while products make up 28% of turnover , the group also has a strong recurring revenue stream , and is keen to exploit it further — 28% of income comes from maintenance , 44% from services : consultancy , technical support and training .
23 Since the actual value of income diverges from the expected value by only a random error it is tempting to replace the expected income term in equation ( 3.6 ) with actual income and rewrite equation ( 3.6 ) as :
24 Although SAVE believes that alternative uses are possible for most types of buildings , including churches , the Holy Name was an exception and our fears for its future increased with rumours of purchase offers from McDonald 's .
25 The theory of integrative levels emerged , the essence being that the world of entities evolves from the simple towards the complex by an accumulation of properties or influences from the environment .
26 This dynamic function of money stems from the fact that it represents purchasing power , which , when exercised , stimulates production of goods and services .
27 Batty Wife Cave is in a different category , having no pretensions to shyness nor modesty ; indeed , it thrusts itself upon the notice of passersby on the road just below the Station Inn on the north side , where a channel of pebbles emerges from a low entrance half-choked by stones and normally dry .
28 The strength of Germany derives from the skills of people in industry .
29 Sultan Pakubuono XI of Surakarta comes from a lineage reaching back to the ninth century and , despite Indonesia 's official birth into the modern age with her independence in 1949 , the Sultan , like his ancestors before him , remains the uncrowned " Pope " of pre-Islamic Javanese mysticism .
30 The choice of ordinate arises from the empirical observation that A2B 1 is required for chaos .
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