Example sentences of "be right [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are right of course , my lady .
2 Hole have been right up front with the anger thanks to newly pregnant Mrs Cobain , Courtney Love .
3 She had been right of course .
4 ‘ You mean hist or ical , Mister Mate , but you 're right of course , ’ said the Captain .
5 It might seem like it 's all going to fall apart at any minute , but that 's the key to it — it 's totally wrong to call them shambolic ; you have to be right on top of things to sound this loose .
6 Players in that market are already figuring that Self will be right up front amongst the crop of next-generation object technologies now moving off the drawing boards .
7 In most cases their advice will either be right in law or be in an area where the courts will wish to leave alone the exercise of the visitor 's discretion .
8 And yet they were right of course , they were right enough it , it never came again completely as it , noth nothing stay the same .
9 Yes but the , Julie said , and she 's right of course , you ca n't have the erm strength of drugs to , to , to administer at home because obviously
10 Windblowers is right up Road
11 She was right of course , he knew that , but her words hurt just the same .
12 He was right of course , Carrie thought , and as she nestled the child to her and placed the teat of the bottle against the child 's searching mouth she bit on her lip and tried to suppress the anger which welled up inside her .
13 She was right of course .
14 Blanche was right of course .
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