Example sentences of "be hold out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're holding out for a wedding-ring , ’ he said flatly .
2 They must think we 're holding out on them .
3 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
4 This leaves those who are holding out for more in a very unfavourable position .
5 So you figure if you come across with what the good looking girls are holding out on … ’
6 Only that she must have been holding out on him all these years , that she did have memories which she had covered up or , to give her the benefit of the doubt , conveniently forgotten about .
7 East Belfast-based midfielder Keery ( 28 ) has been holding out for a better deal than the one on offer .
8 Given the nomenclature of his position , he will prima facie be held out as one of the members of the firm .
9 The document states that Richard Walter Jenkins shall ‘ absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the surname of the parent and shall bear the surname of the adopter and shall be held out to the world and in all respects treated as if he were in fact the child of the adopter ’ .
10 The scuttlebutt says their contracts were not yet signed and that the pair were holding out for better terms and conditions .
11 The scuttlebutt says their contracts were not yet signed and that the pair were holding out for better terms and conditions .
12 The official trade unions , thought to be linked to conservatives in the communist party , were holding out for 100% wage indexation .
13 Mahdi Mohammed loyalists were holding out in the northern fringes of the capital .
14 Her short , expensive dress showed a slender figure and the hands that were held out towards Felipe de Santis were as small and elegant as the hands of a dancer .
15 Her hands were held out to the sides , circling supplely , fingers gesturing elegantly .
16 He was invited to London and all sorts of treats were held out to him as to how he would be entertained on such a visit , trips to the theatre and concerts , a specially organized tour of ‘ Swinging London ’ , Carnaby Street , the King 's Road and so on .
17 She , who had always helped lame dogs , now refused the many helping hands that were held out to her , because they only hauled her back , temporarily , into a life of comfort from which she would later have to return to reality .
18 We must conclude that the time zone niche has not delivered the benefits that were held out for it when LIFFE was established .
19 Hence they were held out as examples .
20 Walter Sherfield , who had started school the year before , remembers the time well , particularly during the long hot summer days when lessons were held out in the open , under the old oak trees .
21 Telephone calls are being held out as bait for good behaviour .
22 It is important to ensure that only current partners appear as lessees/trustees of partnership premises , if only to avoid any possibility that a retired partner who has not been duly replaced on the title could be regarded as still being held out as a member of the firm .
23 She said that while the carrot of jobs was being held out to the local community , local people would only be used for the most menial of tasks .
24 To resolve a doubt as to whether employed solicitors not being held out to be solicitors by their employers were required to hold practising certificates , s1A was added by s85 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 in the following terms : 1A .
25 Certainly , the notion that limited liability is of itself a denial of the very skills and integrity being held out by a professional to the rest of the world may be outdated in the light of the size and type of projects now being undertaken as part of surveying practice .
26 If he 's holding out at all , on anything , maybe I could get it out of him , sir . ’
27 The story is an intricate one , as Herbert Schneidau acknowledges ; and Pound 's holding out against Ford for the Dantesque principle of a ‘ curial ’ diction ( see his introduction to the poems of Lionel Johnson ) represents to my mind an objection that can still be raised to Ford 's principles of diction , salutary as Ford 's polemics undoubtedly were for Pound at this time .
28 Manager Malcolm Crosby wants to accept a £750,000 bid from Premier League Southampton — but his chairman Bob Murray vetoed the move and is holding out for £1 million .
29 But it is clear the Treasury is holding out against providing substantial extra central funds , arguing it has no way of being sure that extra money will go into reducing the impact of the tax , rather than into increased spending .
30 All they have to do is to hold out against substandard systems and apply pragmatic criteria in the face of technical jargon .
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