Example sentences of "be put [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 're putting him on my tummy — he 's red all over ( not just his nose ! ) and completely bald .
2 Anyway , they 're putting him in disgrace .
3 and they 're putting them into auction and the people that have got spare money
4 And er said about it 's a regular and er they 're doing it proper , they 're putting them on jigs so they 're welding them and they 're out of line and all sorts !
5 I do n't know , they 're loa , looks like they 're loading them in , they 're putting them in the gar the school .
6 Yes but this is where we 're taking them from and we 're putting them in here .
7 So , you 're putting her on hold , yes , so you can put your handset down .
8 ‘ They 're putting her in a cage so that people can see her .
9 ‘ Luce is fond of you and she does n't want to hurt you , but you 're putting her in an impossible situation by your pig-headedness .
10 But by and large you 're putting yourself through hell just to squeeze out that last drop of RAM that you wo n't actually use : you run programs like WordPerfect 5.1 which can run in 512Kb , so memory is n't important here .
11 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
12 then they 're putting you through , and
13 It 's all going to it er , they 're putting it into a ma massive voice bank .
14 Now they 're putting it on their hair .
15 That 's why they 're putting it on this week .
16 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
17 so if you 're putting it in the second half of the second term
18 Because of your health , pet , they 're putting us on the priority list , say we did n't ought to be below-ground , nor too high .
19 Yeah the firework systems supposed to be the centre of the Red Vase designs , we 're putting ourselves in a considerable disadvantage in not visiting and influencing these Red Vase Designs .
20 Quite by chance in collecting material for I have come across a cousin who is the communications and Public relations person at so I am to put them in touch with each other as the one in London has just had a letter from another in Vancouver trying to do family research .
21 The answer until now has been to put them in geriatric units .
22 If you do not know what documents you have and how they relate to one another , your priority should be to put them in order rather than to transfer them to an electronic system .
23 Yes , I mean you could put it in the minutes , but also it would be quick at the next meeting of this sub-committee is after the election , it 'll be some time in June , so a quick way of dealing with it would be to put it in the bulletin , yes , but also , but I 'll put it in the minutes , as well .
24 Bisexual women ( who have sex with both women and men ) may be putting themselves at risk if they have unsafe sex with male partners .
25 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , or even using ordinary power tools indoors like drills and saws , you could be putting yourself at risk .
26 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , you could be putting yourself at risk .
27 You could be very stupid and go straight back to your flat , in which case you could be putting yourself in a lot of danger .
28 ‘ We have put people through a lot of training , ’ added Anthony , ‘ and will be putting them through more training , aimed at changing attitudes and leading people , whatever function they are in , to ask more frequently .
29 I could be putting him on the spot .
30 ‘ However , I can promise our customers that we will be putting everything into opening up as soon as possible .
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