Example sentences of "be give [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Ways of teaching RE to young children have received too little attention , and teachers are given woefully little training — consequently the one mentioned in the article is probably left to teach as she was once taught .
2 Two examples are given overleaf Each of these can be calculated by several methods , one of which is by division .
3 Though each portrait was essentially a straightforward head-shot , we are given far more to muse over than a strange face .
4 If there is one lesson to emerge from consideration of the changing balance of dependence and independence in old age , it is the flexibility and adaptability for which old people are given so little credit .
5 If more than two sets of x , y coordinates are given then each pair in the sequence will be joined by a straight line .
6 For low risk junctions , however , a quite different effect emerges , high risk exemplars are given significantly fewer descriptions than both medium and low risk exemplars , p<0.05 .
7 This interaction in Figure 7.1 is particularly interesting , the multiple comparisons show that for high risk junctions both high and medium risk exemplars are given significantly more descriptions than low risk exemplars , p<0.01 .
8 The most risky situations , high risk exemplars of high risk junctions are given significantly more descriptions that are clearly not related to risk than any other type of situation .
9 If there is no preparedness to see extensive nationalization of the worst offending corporations and if there is no political or national will to place public officials on the boards of directors to guarantee that ‘ our ’ interests are given as much consideration as those of the corporation , then clearly the will to control corporations has atrophied in the withering light of pragmatism .
10 you are given very much more freedom or independence would be a better word , and erm
11 It 's no good just saying you can report fraud er to er t t to the regulator , they should also be responsible to the shareholders , the stake holders , everybody involved er in er er er a company er and in fact er they are n't they have really responsibility to no one except the directors er who appoint them , the company share holders are given very little information , the choice of auditors er is firmly in the director 's director 's hands , the depositors , the consumers , the employees er have no say er in the appointment of er auditors and more important the recent legal cases for instance and the Al Saudi Bank er er and Berg er sons er and company also decided that er auditors do n't owe a duty of care er to individual shareholders , potential investors , the current or potential creditors er even though that information is supposed to be there to help markets understand what is happening to that committee and the government showed no indication that it wants to reverse these judgements , it should reverse them , there should be specific responsibilities attached to er auditors to give them a duty of care er so that we get the information er and er spend more widely and the share holders and the stake holders know what 's going on er er er as well as er the bank or the financial er institution er itself .
12 Do you think students are given too much time to respond to each stimulus or not enough ?
13 Moore 's view seems to be that the only non-fallacious cases are those where we are given merely some obvious synonym for the most basic sense of ‘ good ’ , like ‘ intrinsically valuable ’ .
14 Which should have been done a long time ago , and I 've been given yet another extension .
15 If they should have been given even more ‘ porridge ’ , then their belief that their own status made them beyond the rule of law was insufficiently punished .
16 The new audience was a mass audience but no previous audience in history had ever been given so much careful attention .
17 Melanie had never been given so much as a sixpence for herself all the time she had been at the shop .
18 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
19 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
20 The attitudinal function has been given so much importance in past work on intonation that it will be discussed separately in this chapter , though it should eventually become clear that it overlaps considerably with the discourse function .
21 He had been given so many things to digest , not the least that it was possible Celia might have a father still living .
22 Never before had anyone in Europe been given so many transplants :
23 Yet , the Labour MP Jeff Rooker claims , there have been examples of Royal Warwickshire prisoners of war seeking desperately needed help who have been given as little as £25 , while many more have been means-tested and found ‘ unqualified ’ for even basic financial assistance .
24 At the back of his mind was the fear that he had been given too much air , that his lungs could not sustain the pressure , that they would collapse as Commander Barnwell 's had collapsed .
25 She claims she would not have needed the operation if she had not been given too much of a drug to hasten the delivery .
26 It is a pity but my father , Elfed , has been given very little credit in articles and books .
27 I think to be honest to you , the the have been given very little guidance , she does n't understand what 's supposed to happen
28 Erm , if a couple decide to have children , they have children for life , it 's until they erm , get married and I really think we 're given too much of this me , me and my fulfilment of what you can be , and you forget that there 's two people there , or three people who are dependent on you .
30 We 're giving away this breathtaking body to 10 lucky Hairflair readers when you send your name and address on a postcard to Hairflair .
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