Example sentences of "be give [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are given diplomas for doing this , so they can then prove how expert they are in disability matters .
2 The low through each event and day is here clearly expressed as the texts are given settings for the people as well as choirs .
3 Five other countries " Russia , Poland , Pakistan , Iraq and Ireland " are given awards for being " tragic examples of countries unresponsive or actively opposed to the desires of women and men for greater control over their reproductive lives " .
4 If workers are given jobs for life or if their wages are linked to age and seniority does this not make for a much less flexible labour market ?
5 A vacuum is then created because new employers have not been given a chance to develop sufficiently for an orderly takeover and employees have not been given opportunities for retraining .
6 The last thing most of these people want is to be given reasons for changing their minds .
7 This brings us on to the second of Dworkin 's grounds for excluding such background policy issues from the jurisdiction of the courts , for if no one has a right to any particular form of decision-making process — whether a right to a hearing itself , a right to cross-examine witnesses or to be given reasons for a decision -this can only be because such a right can not be derived from the master principle of equal concern and respect .
8 The court must be given reasons for the decision , together with details of any service or assistance actually provided or to be provided in the future , or any other action taken or proposed ( s37(3) ) .
9 The allies had to be given opportunities for glory , booty , settlements and trade in conquered lands .
10 The pupil seems to be giving instructions for others to follow rather than saying what was done in this specific instance .
11 However , if GPs were given budgets for the whole range of patient care for their patients , various problems could arise including incentives to undersupply , especially if GPs were permitted to retain budgetary savings .
12 Unprinted goods were given exemptions for the sake of the English textile printing industry , fashionable Indian muslins were smuggled in from the Channel Islands , and the re-export trade to the rest of the world was unaffected , so Indian exports rose steadily .
13 There 's one final thing , and that is on page fifteen at the bottom , it 's a list of organisations which were given permits for St Michael the Northgate .
14 Even Paddington 's platform ends were given supports for overhead electrification when the Lawn was extended to accommodate a shopping centre , leaving Marylebone as the only other London terminus yet to see electric activity .
15 ‘ But luckily , we found out that the council were giving grants for home improvements to old properties . ’
16 Hamlet is given soliloquies for reflection , self-criticism , and for resolves to act , some of which are carried out ; Iago has them for self-presentation and for announcements of his actions which — like Richard III in his self-confidence — are first described , then performed , and subsequently commented on .
17 The proper officer then sends copies of the application and affidavit to the creditor , who is to give reasons for objecting within 14 days , failing which , an order is made by the proper officer in the terms asked ; the proper officer still adjudicates ( the staff have means guidelines ) even if objection is taken , until the creditor , within 14 days of such adjudication , asks for reconsideration , when , the proceedings being transferred to the debtor 's home court , the application is finally determined by the district judge .
18 The factors relevant to the giving of reasons by the Parole Board or a local review committee are not the same as those relevant to the Secretary of State 's giving reasons for not accepting the judicial view of the tariff .
19 Before arriving in the Soviet Union , Holovich was recruited by the British espionage service and was given instructions for a contact — I do n't have to go into detail , these are matters available to me .
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