Example sentences of "be give [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 One could then make a multiple stimulus-response drill where two stimuli are given each time , and you have to choose the appropriate verb form .
2 ‘ If the process is allowed to achieve a more relaxed rhythm of its own and we are given enough time to handle the international consequences , the Soviet leadership probably could live with the kind of confederal links between the two Germanys which are under discussion now . ’
3 We can only try to provide an efficient service if we are clear what it is you need and are given sufficient time to do something about it .
4 The vice-chancellor said the creditors ' committee had been given insufficient time and information to judge the proposals , which were negotiated by BCCI liquidator Touche Ross , particularly whether accepting Abu Dhabi 's package would recover more money for creditors than suing the majority shareholders .
5 Polemis ( N.C. , 1974 ) the court held that if a person had been given insufficient time , an adjournment must be granted .
6 Another free kick has been given this time against big Mike Whitlow Lively start to the game and a lively start for the referee .
7 So far , more than half of those taken on trial have been given full time jobs like Chris .
8 If , after a previously unblemished career , you are taken to task , it may be that your superiors ' requirements are unrealistic or that you have not yet been given sufficient time to adjust to the style of the new regime .
9 THE mercy death doctor has been given more time to consider his future .
10 However , if hon. Members had been given more time to study these complicated regulations , more of them might have realised how adversely they affect some of their constituents and would have made it their business to be here .
11 His wish had been granted , but he had only been given more time to experience cruel and unabated pain .
12 On Saturday he had been given some time off to visit his critically ill sister , 17-year-old Lillian , as she lay in hospital .
13 So there 's a period of six weeks when they 're given some time to settle in and after that period there 's a review date set where myself , the supervisor , the key worker , the client , the client 's social worker in the community and family or anybody close will be invited .
14 ‘ Well Lynne , today we 're giving equal time to the ladies and throwing the spotlight on one of America 's Most Wanted Femme Criminals , Ms Jessamyn Amanda Bonney , sometimes known under the aliases of Jazzbeaux or Minnie Molotov .
15 If both consultants and house officers are to give dedicated time to education , then less clinical work will be achieved and waiting lists will grow longer .
16 When I lived right on the job it used to drive my wife round the bend — I 'd be at home on a weekend , perhaps in the garden , and I 'd think about something in the greenhouse across the road so I 'd go over there and disappear for an hour whereas perhaps I should have been giving more time to my family .
17 ‘ However , I 'm afraid we 're not going to be given much time off until we 've sent the Huns back to Germany where they belong , with their tails between their legs . ’
18 It is recommended that LIFESPAN facilities are made unavailable for 30 minutes before a LIFESPAN shut down so that any outstanding transactions may be given sufficient time to complete .
19 Shareholders must be given sufficient time to consider the advice before any general meeting held to sanction the offer .
20 You may have recollections of taking a long time to achieve competence in one particular skill , and wonder whether on returning you will be given adequate time to practise and revise .
21 The company may be given more time in which to submit its return under s 118(2) , TMA 1970 , but this must be agreed with the inspector .
22 In a meeting in Washington with International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) Managing Director Michel Camdessus , Menem asked for Argentina to be given more time to make debt repayments to the Fund .
23 Chairman I 'm , I 'm conscious that this amended recommendation will cause some disappointment among the support of the Brandon bypass , but I generally feel that some form of agreement can be reached with Norfolk County Council and Breckland District Council and indeed the Norfolk Member of Parliament , if I 'm given more time to review the situation in the light of other proposals on the A eleven , the A one three , four and in Thetford .
24 This comes in the wake of a Labour Party survey showing fundholders nationally making profits as high as £100,000 and being given four times the amount non-fundholders are for spending on computers .
25 US officials admit that they knew about the coup plans as early as last Saturday , but say they were given little time to judge its chances of success or to plan any US involvement .
26 There were all sorts of jokes about National Service and this was going to be one of them — the barracks filled with misfits who no more wanted to wear a khaki uniform than they felt like taking poison ( which some of them thought was what they were given three times a day in the cookhouse ) .
27 A number of arts professional development teachers reported that their involvement in schools was often initiated by primary headteachers feeling that staff were giving inadequate time to an area of the curriculum vital to the personal development of the pupils .
28 To help this , she has insisted they be given more time to rehearse .
29 The unseemly haste is dictated not merely by the Government 's electoral timetable , but by the fear that if the measure is given proper time for debate there will also be time for the real , but as yet nascent , concerns of Tory Back Benchers and their constituents to grow and mature .
30 Napoleon , however , was given little time to enjoy his victory .
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