Example sentences of "be see from the " in BNC.

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1 When we discussed it , it became clear that there is a wide spectrum of response to the whole issue of private care , that the response from within the statutory services tends to be one of suspicion , tends to be one of sometimes a fairly moralistic approach and this is quite at odds with the response we are seeing from the government which tends to go to the other end of the spectrum and be promoting private care as the solution to many of the problems of service provision and volume that are being encountered at the moment .
2 They can extend the information given in the text , as has been seen from the discussion of the picture-book above .
3 It will have been seen from the above summary that , on its face , the legislation is of unlimited territorial scope .
4 I did n't dare show a light — though I doubt whether a light could have been seen from the shore through the mist , and there was probably no one to see it — but I knew where things were .
5 In its guidelines on the DMS and other ‘ courses for managers ’ issued in 1979 the Council defined access to the Diploma — which had been seen from the outset as a postgraduate award — in terms of flexible entry : in addition to the broad treatment of management studies and its supporting disciplines it incorporated
6 His distaste for such work may be seen from the fact that Breavman refers to the ( infrequently visited ) lecture rooms of Columbia by saying to Krantz : ‘ Nothing smells more like a slaughterhouse than a graduate seminar .
7 And yet , as may be seen from the cardinal importance he attaches to a Herodotean term like the peri - plus , Pound can be invoked by poets for whom the natural subjectmatter is topographical rather than historical , or at any rate historical only so far as history is checked against , and embodied in , and qualified by , topography .
8 The various different types of pillbox can be seen from the canal towpath .
9 They can not be seen from the village , but are visible from Anglesey across the Menai Strait .
10 The sea can still be seen from the orchard and it is possible at this stage that the German Army could push the Commando Brigade back into the sea .
11 Unknown to many primitive societies , it provides a lightning-conductor for envy , as may be seen from the readiness with which gains of pure chance are left outside an otherwise highly egalitarian ( ‘ envious ’ ) system of taxation .
12 The car could not be seen from the house because of the shelter of trees .
13 The reasons for the disappointment can be seen from the struggles to survive of three once-successful companies based around Leipzig .
14 The gathering momentum of clericalism under the Carolingians can be seen from the fact that while Alcuin still addressed his learning in many ways to the laity , his pupil Hrabanus Maurus , abbot of Fulda , wrote the De Institutione Clericorum , a compendium of theology and law exclusively for the clergy .
15 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
16 The top coin shows Henry VII ( 1485-1509 ) ; it is the same generic royal image which had been used for two centuries , as can be seen from the close similarity of the image used by Edward I ( compare fig. 3 ) .
17 Easky 's spire could be seen from the back window from many miles away .
18 THERE was not another house to be seen from the Boggle Hole hostel on the North Yorkshire coast , as we woke to the gentle sounds of the warden reciting Buddhist mantras , and waves lapping the sands .
19 This can be seen from the figures in Table 5 which also suggest that the longer the time they had lived in an old people 's home the less likely they were to go into hospital .
20 As will be seen from the example below , the drama can be far removed from what could be recognised as a child-centred activity :
21 It will be seen from the above comments that the local banks through their Trade Finance Division are in a position to offer real help — it would be foolish to ignore it .
22 That the potential for collaboration was there may be seen from the final sentence by J. W. Heslop Harrison ( 1948b ) where he says ‘ Still , it must be admitted that much remains to be done , and by many workers ; we give a hearty invitation to others to join us in our labours ’ .
23 This may be seen from the range of those who went to press on the subject in 1989 and 1990 .
24 Secure ground floor windows first and any window which ca n't be seen from the street or which can be reached from a drainpipe or flat roof .
25 Sadly , as can be seen from the list of dispersals , even the older colleges have found it necessary to dispose of books .
26 The way this defence was used can be seen from the following submission , made by a defendant charged with the possession of a hacksaw blade with intent to do criminal damage to the perimeter fence of the US naval base at Brawdy :
27 In a quite different part of the world , the volcano Pacaya , only thirty-two kilometres from Guatemala City , in Central America , is just as active , if not more so , and the red glare from the volcano can easily be seen from the city on a clear night .
28 It may be seen from the above that the controversy between ‘ past use ’ and imprint date as a criterion for weeding has still to be resolved .
29 Clydebank 's industrial landscape can be seen from the A814 passing the north bank of the river from Glasgow to the west .
30 The rows of upper floor windows at the back can be seen from the car park behind them .
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