Example sentences of "be ask [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 You 're asked to support the general move , that we have set out from this report , and you 're asked to agree to St Clements and East Ward , and I think we 've heard Mandy and Phil acknowledge that there may well be a case for looking at an area of council housing , which we will leave them to do , and also to approve the set of objectives , which I particularly welcome , on page sixty-two and sixty-three , which will amount to a work programme , which I would have thought we were all very pleased to see .
2 Well , unless people have specific to Katherine , as I say it 's presented in such a way , this report , that essentially we 're asked to agree the number of permits to match the number of applications .
3 And erm the work that you 're asked to do the prop the word for it I mean we use wh wh really what I 'm t teaching you now is the vocabulary that is used and which will actually be used during the service .
4 Right next question is the one where you 're given these two complex numbers , and you 're asked to show the , the modules of Z one squared is two times the modules of Z two squared .
5 Install the program on your hard disk , plug in the dongle , boot up , and you 're asked to place the key on the sensor and set up a password .
6 Nevertheless it raises some questions about the ‘ completeness ’ here attained , and the light in which we 're asked to approach the music .
7 Should councils be asked to relieve the public sector borrowing requirement of that burden of long-term debt by transferring it and their balances to housing associations ?
8 Where the accountants advise that the Revenue ought to be asked to treat the firm as a continuing business , a new partner will be required to join in a continuation election under s113 of the Taxes Act ( see Chapter 10 ) .
9 ‘ It would be wrong for water users in the next five to ten years to be asked to finance the whole cost of projects which have been neglected in the past and which may be expected to last for 30 , 50 or even 100 years .
10 Some children might be asked to predict the two-dimensional shape that will be produced from the three-dimensional shape .
11 You will be asked to confirm the details of the funds available to you if and when a firm offer of a place is made .
12 If and when you are made a firm offer of a place , you will be asked to confirm the details of the funds available to you .
13 She did not add , He would jump at the chance of someone filling that post , so that he would n't be asked to take the children off Rose 's hands until she is once more fixed up with someone who could manage her unruly crowd , as well as herself and the house .
14 His Protestant voice told the nation that Lady Thatcher might speak in Thursday 's debate on race , for that was what it was really all about or , on the other hand , she might be asked to take the chair for John Major 's Leader 's address on the Friday afternoon .
15 On the other hand , the jury can be asked to take the plaintiff 's own conduct into account in reducing damages — if he has taken steps to refute the allegations publicly , or has been cleared of them after a publicised enquiry , or has obtained retractions and damages from other publications , his wounds may be considered to have partially healed .
16 For example storytime might take place at an established time towards the end of the school day , but in a follow-up session the next day questions could be asked to see how much they remember of the story , or one child could be asked to retell the story they heard yesterday ( see Boxes 4 and 5 ) .
17 This person could be asked to feed the fish , but unless they are a fishkeeper the amount to give at each feed should be measured into a polythene bag or envelope .
18 You will probably be asked to give the name of one or two people who will provide references , even if you do n't actually do this on your CV .
19 The second one-day game in Guyana was played against a background of uncertainty over whether Robin Jackman was about to be asked to vacate the premises .
20 ‘ The split of Czechoslovakia into two countries has caused problems in some areas , but there is good co-operation between the two nuclear organisations and it is possible we will be asked to repeat the exercise in Slovakia . ’
21 Finally , two sets of adults most involved with the formal teaching of ‘ stranger-danger ’ , viz. primary schoolteachers and community involvement police officers , will be asked to repeat the experimental tasks , predicting how children would respond , in order to compare their predictions with the children 's actual responses .
22 It could be asked to view the site where a particular incident occurred although the expense of leaving the courtroom is unlikely to be justified where a photograph or a detailed description would suffice .
23 R. S. Wood argued that ‘ Mean and meagre planning will be disregarded and officials ’ views discounted , and others will be asked to design the New Jerusalem' .
24 She may even be asked to visualise the whole incident in a different way .
25 Mcloughlin and Brown emphasise that this exercise must be undertaken after due consultation with all those involved , recognising that such matters as customer satisfaction can not be addressed without the involvement of the customer , who could be asked to score the quality of the service provided .
26 It is usual for the claimant to be asked to outline the reasons for the appeal following which the adjudication officer may ask questions of the claimant and of any witnesses brought along by the claimant .
27 Under the new system , clients will be issued with a menu card at the beginning of each week and will be asked to pick the meals they wish to eat .
28 All proprietors and editors would be asked to publish the code and abide by it .
29 After this , a CAA Surveyor was to be asked to inspect the modifications to determine whether the CAA would categorise them as Minor or a Major Modifications and to establish the details of the flight testing required .
30 S 357(3) ( b ) should be quoted to the inspector , who should then be asked to agree the interest relief for 1990/91 on the proportionate basis the reader sets out .
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