Example sentences of "be make in the " in BNC.

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1 If would-be choreographers examine Ashton 's The Dream they will discover the significant development that has been made in the structure of the old kind of romantic ballet .
2 But how do you find out about whether a planning application has been made in the first place ?
3 An official from the New China News Agency office , China 's de facto embassy in Hong Kong , said no progress had been made in the negotiations and that an early solution was not expected .
4 The figures for applications heard by a single Lord Justice and two and three Lords Justices went a long way to explaining why , despite the facts that the rate at which appeals were begun had shown little change over the years , there had been some small increase in judge-power and that major improvements had been made in the court 's procedures , the number of appeals outstanding at the end of each year and the lead times for hearing appeals showed no real improvement .
5 As judicial proceedings are thought to have been held at prominent landmarks , legal decisions could have been held at prominent landmarks , legal decisions could have been made in the vicinity of Loyal centuries ago .
6 As with education these interventions and the reduction in the role of producers and local government spokesmen have usually been made in the name of promoting value for money and increasing choice for consumers .
7 As Herr Nordern said , it might easily have been made in the G.D.R. , yawning as he spoke , that being a signal the whole family understood .
8 Although no cost analyses have been made in the Nasa report , a separate study by the White House Office of Management and Budget has put a tentative $400 billion price tag on the Mars venture .
9 Similar radical changes have been made in the central committee , with 20 old faces going , including the deputy Foreign Minister , Mr Ivan Ganev .
10 Great simplifications have been made in the law as to estates and interests in land , with the result that the law of property has been made very much more uniform .
11 Nonetheless an effort has been made in the final chapter to draw some conclusions about the contemporary impact of changes that have occurred .
12 Parliament granted a tax of a sixteenth , and in return it was promised that the perambulations of Edward I should be confirmed , and that new perambulations should be made before Christmas in the forests where they had not been made in the previous reign .
13 Having reassured herself that , so far as could reasonably be expected , no changes had been made in the house , Elisabeth embarked on a tour of the garden .
14 He admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the slow pace of privatisation .
15 Mr Yeltsin admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the very slow pace of privatisation .
16 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
17 He began by commenting on the dramatic progress that has been made in the understanding of both tropospheric and stratospheric chemical processes during the past 20 years .
18 Under Britain 's liberal regime vast acquisitions have been made in the UK by Credit Lyonnais , the Elf Aquitaine state-controlled oil group and Thomson CSF in defence electronics .
19 Her previous bids for power have been made in the name of Europe and her economic and foreign policies are primarily ‘ European ’ .
20 They shared with Foxton the misfortune of coming into existence at the beginning of the motor car era , and whatever miscalculations may have been made in the construction , there was for all of them no way of gaining the large amounts of traffic that alone would have made them profitable .
21 Such criticisms which may be made must , however , be made with a sense of reality , and with the understanding that many hospitals have tried hard to create a favourable atmosphere , and that considerable advances have been made in the care of mentally handicapped people inside large hospitals .
22 Considerable progress has been made in the education of mentally handicapped people since the legislation in 1971 .
23 Ever since the summer of the previous year , many horrifying discoveries had been made in the Thames near London .
24 However , an attempt has been made in the following two sections .
25 As well as the possibility of engineering plants to increase productivity , advances have already been made in the engineering of plants that are pest- , herbicide- or disease-resistant and in the development of nitrogen-fixing non-leguminous species ( Jones and Lindsey 1988 ) .
26 ‘ It is apparent that a step has been made in the right direction … the property will soon be entirely under comparatively well-to-do tenants .
27 Zechstein carbonates form important gas reservoirs in Germany and the Netherlands and several significant discoveries have been made in the U.K. , notably at Locton , Eskdale and Malton in Yorkshire .
28 American companies decided to build new cinemas in Britain and as the reputation of the Girls had already been made in the States , they were eager to book Tiller troupes .
29 NEXT Monday ministers will spend the day with leaders of Britain 's new Engineering Council , asking what progress has been made in the reorganisation of Britain 's engineering profession .
30 This gives the impression that a tiny error has been made in the Grand Design .
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