Example sentences of "be make about [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister will be aware that certain allegations have been made about incidents in homes in Gwynedd , and in other parts of Wales , during recent months .
2 I remind him that there has been criticism historically when statements have been made about incidents in Great Britain , when it was commented that similar statements had not been made in the context of Northern Ireland .
3 No film has yet been made about LSD .
4 In the same way comments have been made about John 's father .
5 If the protests that have been made about cuts in training places on Merseyside are simply synthetic protestations , as the Minister said earlier , can he explain why projects such as the Hexagon project on Merseyside face closure ?
6 Though solidly on record as a pro-choice champion , the President recently said that a decision has n't been made about abortion services .
7 Claims have been made about Taiwan and South Korea , but tremendous amounts of US aid have been pumped into those countries for political purposes .
8 The same case could , of course , have been made about listeners ' attitudes to the number and length of speeches to which they were now to be subjected .
9 Having received the unspoken messages which every corner gives ( the condition of the toilets , the way books in the library are presented , the displays along corridors and in classrooms , the amount of litter around the building , the beauty or devastation of the flower beds , the graffiti on the walls ) judgements are made about school and schooling .
10 Whenever allegations are made about Castlereagh , they are , of course , carefully considered .
11 Teachers who listen to all the conflicting noises that are made about education by the pundits will inevitably feel ( quite apart from their own ideals ) that there is no pleasing all of the people all of the time .
12 Instances of a lack of clarity in thought or expression do , at times , upset the flow of the commentary , but many good points are made about Jane Austen 's treatment of the marriage business .
13 They are passed around and undecipherable comments are made about Deee-Lite , En Vogue and J.C .
14 In doing so assumptions are made about family relationships and dependency .
15 Something ineradicable happens and assumptions are made about kindness or fidelity — based on how often the ratchet has snapped .
16 Such a suggestion could never be made about Steve Mungall , who seeks out the heart of the action with such relish that you wonder how his 34-year-old legs can keep carrying him forward like a 24-year-old .
17 In some instances they temporised : in May 1221 they conceded that ‘ the knights and free tenants of the forest of Berkshire ’ should elect ‘ two law-worthy and discreet knights ’ of their number to keep the forest , under the Chief Justice of the Forest , until Henry III came of age , when a final decision would be made about disafforestment .
18 It has now been copied into INGRES , a relational database management system , permitting queries to be made about subsets of the data ; for instance , all males between the ages of 25 and 64 suffering from laryngeal cancer .
19 Similar observations can be made about groups in industry and in society generally .
20 Perhaps the most important point to be made about postverbals is to distinguish them from the adjectives in the last remaining position , the extraclausal adjectives , which occur in an identical sequence of syntactic elements , but which correspond to a different surface structure as in : ( 45 ) the two reformers persevered undaunted two stagehands appeared , breathless They have the different intensional structure :
21 Urgent practical decisions have to be made about actions that will have demographic affects .
22 Hence similar judgements can be made about welfare .
23 Two particular points may be made about offences of physical violation .
24 There was anxiety that judgments would be made about teachers ' handling of classes , based on too few visits .
25 But in 1.4 we argued that monism is more suited to opaque than transparent styles of writing , and the same point may be made about pluralism .
26 One implication of this model is that , because market volatility and the riskless interest rate are assumed over time to revert towards their mean values , no clear statements can be made about movements in the basis .
27 This does not mean that there are no generalizations that can be made about evolution , but it does make biology a different kind of science from physics .
28 In spite of the difficulties already discussed and the limited information available , a number of general conclusions can be made about land use and land use change .
29 Heavy demands are placed on schools to find time in the curriculum for a wide range of individually worthwhile activities and difficult decisions have to be made about priorities .
30 The first , and possibly the most important point to be made about institutions within the monetary sector is that deposits with them count as ‘ money ’ .
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