Example sentences of "be make on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( An earlier change had been made on April 25 when Kwon Hwi Hyuk had been appointed as Director of the Environment Agency after his predecessor Huh Nam Hoon was dismissed in response to the contamination of the water supply in Taegu through the dumping of 300 tonnes of phenol , a caustic chemical compound . )
2 A previous such appeal had been made on Feb. 1 , 1992 , but had failed to meet its target of US$621,000,000 .
3 Other attacks have been made on meat plants in the Montreal area and on research laboratories at McGill University and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto .
4 A STRONG attack has been made on ministers for failing to deliver on promises made three years ago to build a new dental hospital in Edinburgh .
5 ‘ By rights they should have been made on Stir-up Sunday , only I was too busy .
6 At that time [ the petitioner ] was asserting that there was no contract and purported to withdraw an offer which had been made on terms different from those that had been agreed .
7 Not being in possession of a verbatim record of the submission by the County , I have prepared twelve linked submissions in this matter , document G W Fourteen B , which seek to rebut with justification the point believed to have been made on behalf of the County and District Councils .
8 For example , we regard the two processes unc as equivalent , even though they have different possible behaviours once the refusal of " d " has been observed and an input has been made on channel c .
9 Virgin 's payments had all been made on time , and as far as he was aware there was no problem at all .
10 Documentary checks might be supplemented with results of site inspections to discover whether equipment was stored solely on site , whether it had been incorporated into the works , whether stage payments had been made on time and for the agreed amount .
11 Checks have been made on roadside sellers throughout the area because the fruit is easily identifiable .
12 The most intensive studies on the field have been made on populations of three species of Ranunculus and on Trifolium repens .
13 Emphasis has been made on colours being complementary rather than the overpowering theme of total pattern co-ordination , a distinction which is already proving to be a success .
14 Though distinction has been made on morphology it is also useful from the veterinary standpoint , for it separates the single harmful species , Oslerus osleri , living in the upper air passages , from the relatively harmless species which are retained in the genus Filaroides , and which live in the lung parenchyma .
15 Purchase of goods for resale are made on credit .
16 Some 60 per cent of education journeys and 43 per cent of shopping and personal business trips are made on foot , with one fifth and one third of all walk Journeys respectively being made for these purposes .
17 Under these circumstances , it is scarcely surprising that walking in Britain is of diminishing importance , with total distance walked decreasing as is the percentage of all journeys that are made on foot .
18 And and judgements are made on intelligence , personality and suitability and particular occupations and although they 're only limited speech samples erm many subjects judge them .
19 On London Transport alone , over 1,900 million annual journeys are made on buses and tubes .
20 No adjustments to the fees are made on account of changes to the membership of a firm during the year .
21 Where applications are made on notice : ( a ) notice is to be served on the opposite party and filed in the court not less than two days before the hearing , unless the court gives leave for short notice ; and ( b ) the party making the application is responsible for ascertaining that the court will be available to hear the application and that sufficient time will be available .
22 However , the fact remains that demands are made on sociology to ‘ pay its way ’ , to produce practical returns which can be utilised for policy purposes .
23 The range of data sets involved and the demands that are made on GIS technology in applications of this kind are often more limited than those of previous applications fields .
24 Arrangements for taking the SEFIC Examination are made on arrival at the school .
25 Sometimes his decisions are made on grounds of convenience : after most newspapers in Britain committed contempt of court over the arrest of " Yorkshire Ripper " Peter Sutcliffe , the Attorney decided against prosecuting on the ground that he would have to put dozens of editors in the dock .
26 Under revolving facilities ( such as current account overdrafts and credit card facilities ) you may borrow in amounts and at times of your choosing ( subject to an agreed minimum withdrawal in certain cases ) , provided that the balance on your account remains within the agreed limit and that any agreed payments are made on time .
27 Such usage will invariably absorb some of the buffer stock unless planned deliveries are made on time .
28 I do hope that it will be possible for you to participate in this exercise , even though I realise that many demands are made on people 's time .
29 And the idea of nibbling at the perks of city employees earning ( on average ) under $10,000 a year , while millions are made on Wall Street , plays poorly on the hustings .
30 Can the Minister say whether the Government will agree to a Europewide eco-labelling scheme , to try to eliminate some of the misleading claims that are made on behalf of some products , which prejudice products that are environmentally safe ?
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