Example sentences of "be go back [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let me just show you what it says , just get it straight , right that 's the service analysis for September nineteen ninety-two , alright so we 're going back a few months .
2 Oh yes you 're going back a few years !
3 They 're going back the other way .
4 So the the Yes it 's been going back a the the name , the firm in that sense I think goes back a lot of years .
5 I 'm going back a step but I think it 's
6 In other words , I C I , Ingaselectric , A E I , all the big firms , all the er coal mines , all the British Rail , well British Rail in those days , and these large firms trained large numbers of apprentices and then after the five years they tipped you out , I 'm sorry I 'm going back a long while , into what they call an improver status and then you could either come back to the firm or you could go , stay where you were .
7 I 'm going back a bit there .
8 You mentioned Christopher , what er the last time it 's , I 'm going back a little while , the last time I was talking with Janet he , she was a bit unhappy , I think he was in er a teaching practice at the time and she was wondering how he was going to go on .
9 Aye , I 'm going back a lot of years ago
10 Oh I , I , I , I 'd one you know , oh I 'd one up , oh I 'm going back a few years now
11 So everything 's there , printing presses repro separation houses , sheet film , computer set up and Apple Macs and everything is there , it 's actually a very impressive set up erm , the Queen Margaret 's course , I 'm slightly dubious about I once had a colleague I 'm going back a decade who had been employed on the basis of doing the communications course at Queen Margaret I think , and it turned out that it was n't communications as we understood it , it was n't our sort of communications P R newspapers and things like that , it was communications on a much broader , broader front so it did n't actually fit in to the world of P R and what happened was I then had to sit down and train this woman from scratch and get rid of a lot of the preconceived notions that she had come in with she had brought from Queen Margaret 's College .
12 I suppose me Dan and Honey 'll be going back the cheap way .
13 and dashed out and fitted it , complete waste of bloody time mind you cos er we 've got the own software back in now , well actually the latest releases of it , we were going back a release because er we were having trouble , but it turns out it 's not our problem external problem so , put three dot seven back in .
14 That 's going back a bit in n it ?
15 Oh that 's going back a bit is n't it ?
16 but that was an old woman 's tale really , that 's going back a few years ago
17 Oh God that 's going back a bit .
18 well that 's going back a long time , is n't it ?
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